Toman V Moebius

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Footsteps pound from behind me as we charge at them as they do the same. I spot 2 guys headed straight my way, one with black hair and the other with shaved brown. I pounce off the ground and force my foot forward, smashing into the first guy's head and forcing him back onto the other.

I barely have a second before another throws his fist at my face, I quickly step to the side, using his arm to swing as I slam my shoe into his temple. God, It feels great to fight like this again.

Another 3 heads my way, Hanma wasn't kidding when he said he wanted us dead. These guys are average, some above-average street fighters, capable of doing damage but the issue with plain punches are there are too many openings. One swings his fist towards my head, I fold his wrist with my own and force him to the ground, I hear a loud crack as he lands. Disgusting. The other two lunge for me at the same time, I bounce from the ground, twisting so my right foot connects with both of their cheeks, even with my shoes, I can feel a tooth come loose from one of their mouths.

I turn to see Hanma hasn't moved, It would be dumb to go after him now, besides, he seems more focused on Mikey. I hear a foot slam down behind me, someones going for a kick, I step to the side and reach to grab something, I confirm my suspicions as I wrap my fingers around someone's ankle, I swing my left leg and slam my foot into the side of his knee, the sound is disgusting, He screams in pain as I let him go.

"Your fault" I mutter.

"The snake strikes again!" Happy yells, a big smile on his face as he slams his fist into a Moebius member. I give him a small smile before running to find someone else.

The snake is a name that Happy first gave me that soon enough spread to the rest of the gang. I don't really understand the reason but it's a cool name, I'll give him that.

A few other punks here and there, some with bats but none take a few more than 2 minutes to take down, Everyone is pulling their weight, and no one is pulling their punches but that's not to say no one is getting beaten the shit out of.

Hanma, who's finally moved, is punching his way through us, though that's all he is doing, I'm thinking I overestimated this guy.

I run towards him, knocking down Moebius members when I can. It only takes a few seconds before my foot is a few centimetres above his head, ready to stick down. Before it can do that, He moves and I'm only able to hit his shoulder.

"Ouch... You almost got me there... You're quick, Rei" He says to me, rubbing his shoulder. I swing my leg and go for his temple, only to hit nothing.

"Wasting no time... " He says as he swings at me, '' To no avail, I duck, forcing my foot to his chest, yet again, I hit nothing. This guy has amazing reflexes.

"Not the talkative type?" He says, forcing his fists towards me, I haven't even landed yet, how fast is he? I grab his fist and use it to swing and land further away from him. I turn to face him, but he's gone.

"Peh!" I hear Mikey yell, turning my attention to him. Seems everyone done the same

I'm too far to hear what they're screaming but three guys go after him, one with a bat. I don't even have to look to see how this is gonna end. They all end up on the floor. I step closer to the boys, a few guys run towards me but are on the ground in seconds.

"Peh! Why'd you attack Ken-chin?!" Mikey yells.

Another guy goes after him only to be met with a fist to the face and a bloody nose.

"You knew that we had worked things out." Another member lunges towards him and meets the same fate as the other two.

"I don't give a rat's ass if you three made up! I'm not done with any of this shit!" Peh shouts as Mikey makes his way over to him.

𝒫𝑅𝒪𝒫𝐸𝑅; 𝒯𝑜𝓀𝓎𝑜 𝑅𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓇𝓈Where stories live. Discover now