Mother Dearest

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 TW: Talks of substance abuse and overdose.

Yes, I know this chapter is short but just think of it as a continuation of the previous chapter.

No nightmares. I wake up to Draken and Mikey getting ready to leave. A blanket draped over me and the Tv turned off. After all that, I had a peaceful nap.

"Can't believe you almost left without me?" I say, gaining their attention. In all honesty, I didn't care too much if they left, it's not some big event they need me there for

"I didn't want to wake you, You needed the sleep," Mikey told me while slipping on his shoes.

"I was fine"

Draken huffs a laugh,

"I heard you only had 5 hours"

"Plus you looked pretty awful" Mikey jumped in

"You guys are so nice to me" I add, getting up and stretching.

"How long was I out?" I ask.

"3 Hours" Mikey answers.

I nod to this, 8 hours in total, not bad.

Why didn't I see them? Anytime I closed my eyes I would see them all. Why not now?

I push the thought out of my mind and slip on my shoes before exiting with the two blondes. Udagawas crew doesn't take too long to deal with the three of us. It took about 10 minutes before they agreed to back down. Honestly, I'm underwhelmed. It's been a while since I've been against anyone who kept me on my toes, besides Mikey of course.

"That was underwhelming, "I think aloud

"You wanna go kick ass somewhere else?" Draken offers

I think about it for a second, It'd likely have the same outcome as Udagawas crew,

"No point really," I tell him.

"Ken-Chin" Mikey whines


"Let's get dorayaki," He says like a kid in a candy store.


"I want some too" I deadpan. Receiving a sigh of defeat from Draken

"There's a place close by" He tells us as Mikey walks ahead to find the place, Leaving me further behind. I turn to see a little girl and her mother, a bag with "Happy Birthday" written on it.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Mother! Happy birthday to you."

That's it! It's her birthday. How could I forget? Has it been that long? That's why Dad was so strung out last night, he probably didn't want to remember the day.

"Um- I'll catch up with you guys, I need to go do some things," I tell them. Walking away

"But you wanted Dorayaki?" Draken raises

"Mikey can have mine!" I shout as I get further from the two picking up my pace, losing sight of them.

I run to the familiar white building, Dashing up the stairs and unlocking the door.

He's still gone. Good.

I take all the pills and flush them. I'm going to get shit for it later. He'll yell and scream "How could you do that!". But he knows damn well why. Last year he overdosed, not on purpose. But I found him lying on the ground of our bathroom, an empty pill bottle in his hand. It's not like I have a problem with drugs as a whole, only the hard stuff, hell I don't know what I would do without a cigarette once in a while. Still, the stuff they do to you, the stuff they do to him. It's a real problem.

If you were still here none of this would be happening. Dad would be fine. You would be fine. Everything would be okay.

Why am I so mad right now? It's not your fault you're gone. But still. If you had stayed home He wouldn't be like this.

Honestly, I don't give a shit if he's mad, let him be, it's because of this shit he's changed. I know he tries his best, but he would rather do this shit than take care of his own kid. I've grown accustomed to life without him. I make my own food, I choose when I go to school and I use what I know to my advantage, Huh I guess I did learn some things from you, Matsuki.

Authors Note:

Mother Dearest. Screw you Matsuki

𝒫𝑅𝒪𝒫𝐸𝑅; 𝒯𝑜𝓀𝓎𝑜 𝑅𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓇𝓈Where stories live. Discover now