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TW: Talks of R*pe

"Rein!" I hear someone call from the door, I open it to reveal Mikey and Draken.

"What are you doing here-"

"You're okay." Mikey breathes a sigh of relief. Somethings wrong, They look different from earlier, Serious, Angry and somewhat panicked. Mikey's fiddling with his shirt, a telltale sign he's anxious. I wasn't gone for more than an hour, what could have possibly happened?

"What happened?" I ask seriously. They both just stare at me for a second. The silence echoes off the walls.

An uneasy feeling overtakes me, is someone hurt? Worse? Did they do something?

"Let's talk," Draken finally says. I nod turning to lead them to my room, It's the most private room in the apartment.

I feel a hand on my shoulder, A strong one.

"What's wrong? ?" Mikey questions. Stopping me from entering the room.

"What?" I ask, genuinely confused. I look down to see my hands shaking, damn it Matsuki.

"It doesn't matter. What happened?" I dismiss it, it seems we have a bigger problem at hand than my feelings towards Matsuki. I take a seat on my bed, Mikey sits on a bean bag next to the door and Draken remains standing.

"Pah's friend's girlfriend was attacked by another gang" Draken explains. He takes a breath before continuing.

"They raped her, Right in front of him. She's pretty beaten up." He finishes. His eyes are glued to the floor.

The room goes silent for a few moments. I clench my fists so hard my knuckles turn white.

Rape is something that strikes a nerve with me, Mikey and Draken by association. When they died, Dad couldn't take it and ended up stealing meds from work. He was fired and we needed money. Tokyo is where rich people live. Rich creepy people. I'd let them lead me into an ally but before they could do anything, kick their ass and take their money, I met Mikey and Draken through it. They came to help me only to see the creep on his ass with his wallet in my hand. However, things don't always go as planned.

"Name," I command, my eyes glued to Draken.

"Moebius" Mikey answers.

I simply nod my head before standing and charging to the door, ready to kill the bastards involved. I feel a hand clench my own, stopping me from doing so. I turn to see Mikey, now standing a few inches away from me.

"I don't want you going to the fight" Mikey states. Almost like an order. I stare back in shock for a second. An eyebrow raised, I've beaten him in fights before, granted it's rare but still, he knows I'm capable.

"You're insane if you think I'm gonna let this go and let you handle it!" I yell, unable to control my anger, standing in the process.

"Rein, these people are dangerous!"

"So were any other gangs we've fought!"

"This is different!" He raises, standing himself. I know what he means. Other gangs, we've been to haven't raped anyone. These guys are different, but it gave me all the more reason to be at that fight.

As much as people shit on delinquents, we have boundaries, almost like an unspoken code, going after women, especially people who aren't involved is a major no. Moebius should know that.

"You know damn well I can handle myself!" I raise back

"Enough! Both of you!" Draken steps in.

"Rei. If Mikey says you're not going to the fight then you're not going" Of course, he would say that, in the end, We follow all of Mikey's orders, Draken has always enforced them more than I have, even when the order is towards me.

𝒫𝑅𝒪𝒫𝐸𝑅; 𝒯𝑜𝓀𝓎𝑜 𝑅𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓇𝓈Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora