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i woke up at the normal time i usually do. i slept decent last night. i felt well enough to get up immediately and start getting ready. in the middle of doing my hair, i heard a knock at my door. "come in!" i said. the door opened and i was greeted with a familiar smile. it was peter. my face lit up when i saw him.

"someone's happy to see me. good morning princess." he said laughing. i giggled and blushed a bit. "you doing your hair for me or something?" he asked. "no! i like doing my hair, thank you very much." i said. he smirked and crossed his arms and leaned up against the wall. he watched me as i finished getting ready.

"okay, im ready" i said. he brought me in close and placed a soft kiss on my lips. "you look beautiful." he said. "thank you peter" i said smiling. peter lifted up my hand and placed a kiss on it.

my stomach got butterflies at the thought of him. i felt like a teenager in high school. i thought about him every minute of the day. he cheers me up in this hell. we will escape. i know it.

"let's go prepare the rainbow room for the kids, they won't be doing anything since brenner will be gone on a business trip. so the guards will be here to take watch of the kids. our job for today is to take care of any kid who's hurt. he's offered us an easy day." peter said. "that sounds perfect" i said. he nodded and took my hand and we walked together to the rainbow room.

we walked in and we sorted out all of the blocks, i set up the chess board. i cleaned the mirror that was in the room and swept the floor. he dusted off the seats and set up the magnet station and helped me sweep.

"we do such a great job every time." i said placing my hands on my hips. "well duh, we're the best coworkers ever." peter replied. i laughed.

all at once, the kids came piling in the rainbow room. the guards walked in and me and peter stood by and watched the kids play.

a few minutes passed by and i saw eleven sitting by herself. "peter, let's go sit by eleven" i said, taking his hand and dragging him over to eleven.

i sat by eleven and peter sat infront of us. "what're you doing el?" i asked. she looked at us and smiled. "blocks" she said holding up two in both of her hands. i looked at peter and smiled.

"can you show us something cool with them?" peter asked. she nodded and sat one on the table. she put all of her focus in the block and it was floating. she levitated it into my hands. her nose quickly started bleeding.

i gave her a high five. "good job eleven! you did so well!" i said smiling. she smiled back.

a few hours passed by with eleven entertaining peter and i. i saw the doors open quickly. it was brenner. why was he back so early?

i looked at peter in confusion as we stood up at the same time.

"hello children. i apologize for being late. we will do a lesson tomorrow. you two, come with me." brenner said looking at peter and i.

my heart dropped as me and peter nodded and followed brenner to his office.

what was he planning?

short and boring chapter today. i just finished my volleyball camps so i should post more chapters this upcoming week.

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