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mentions of abuse
(the song above really helped me write this chapter i recommend listening to it)

"you know.. i never did get to read the rest of those files." i said to peter. "are you sure you want to read them y/n?" he asked. i nodded.

no matter the outcome, i wanted to know who i was. peter helped me up out off of the infirmary table. he walked me back to dr brenners office.

i walked in. "i want to look through the rest of those files. give me them." i said. i had a stern look on my face. i was determined. peter placed a hand on my shoulder. "very well then." brenner said, grabbing my files and handing them to me.

"good luck y/n." brenner said. i flipped through the file anxiously. there was a picture of me in a hospital gown. in the back of the picture was the rainbow rooms walls. peter looked at me.

"you kept me..here?" i asked brenner. "it was for your safety. you're special just like the others y/n. but i thought you were too powerful for this world so i had to let you go. your number was...002."

"oo2? that doesn't make any sense?? there's already a 002." i said. "i replaced you when i let you go. i made the others forget you and i made you forget you even came here." brenner replied.

i rolled up my sleeve to see a very faint 002 on my wrist. it looked like he tried to remove it. i don't understand how i didn't see it earlier.

peter took my hand and rubbed his thumb over the number. he stared at the number.

"you're a fucking physcopath. you drag your OWN DAUGHTER. into your HELLHOLE of a facility." peter said letting go of my arm and walking towards brenner. brenner started backing up. "why would you do that? why did you treat your own fucking CHILD like a lab rat. JUST like how you did me, and those other poor kids in there." peter said. peter pointed to his chip in his neck. "you're lucky this is still in my neck."

i grabbed peters arm "peter, it's okay. just calm down."

"calm down..? how can i calm down when your own father abused you?" peter replied.

"i don't want them to hurt you. do not do anything ridiculous." i said.

peter took a deep breath. "i'm going to take a moment outside." he said. i nodded. i placed the files back onto dr brenners desk. "thank you." i told him. "mhm." brenner said.

i walked out and noticed peter standing by the door. he grabbed me and hugged me. "you're just like me y/n."

i felt my neck and felt the tracker they put in when i had my first punishment here. i felt another chip in my neck. "there's two chips in my neck?" i said. peter quickly moved my hair and hand out of the way. "y/n, it's a chip that prevents you from using powers. we have to remove our chips, now." peter grabbed my hand and he started running to the infirmary room. "powers? what do you mean powers!?" i said. he turned around and put a finger over his lips.

we arrived at the infirmary. peter grabbed supplies. he had a scalpel, bandages, bandaids, disinfectant, and gauze in his hands. "y/n, i want you to trust me, okay? this will only hurt for a second." peter said. i nodded quickly. i moved my hair out of the way so he could see the two chips. peter disinfected the scalpel.

"ready? 1... 2.... 3...." peter said. on 3, i felt a sharp sting. i closed my eyes tightly and inhaled sharply. i felt him take out the first chip. "now onto the second one, you're doing great, love." peter said.

i felt yet another sharp sting into my skin, tears filled my eyes due to the pain. peter took out the second chip. peter cleaned up the mess and placed a bandaid on the spot. i looked at him and smiled.

"make sure to keep that area covered at all times until it heals so they don't see i took them out." peter told me and i nodded.

"it's my turn for you to take my chips out." peter said.

"i don't wanna hurt you peter." i said. "i know you have no intention on doing me harm. i'll be okay, sweetheart." he said placing a quick peck on my lips.

i did the same procedure as he did. he had the same two chips in his neck as i did. "are you okay?" i asked as i started wrapping his neck up.

he nodded. i made sure the dressing on his neck wasn't noticeable due to his hair not being able to cover it.

"thank you." he said smiling at me. "we can practice gaining your power strength back in my room after brenner gets done roaming the halls. but for now, we will continue work normally." peter said.

"okay, we'll also talk about how i'm a number after you, later." i said laughing. peter laughed. he took my hand and lead me back into the rainbow room.

hello, i may release two chapters today. writing helps me take my mind off of things. i hope you guys enjoyed <3

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