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peter and i stood in the rainbow room. to pass time, we helped kids with their fundamentals. such as, helping 011 focus on moving objects, helping 002 not be a bitch, etc.

it was almost time for the kids to be dismissed for bedtime. i looked over at peter and smiled. he walked over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "you ready for later?" he whispered. i nodded.

shortly after our quick conversation, brenner dismissed the kids. me and peter did our daily cleanup quickly and walked out. brenner had left to go on another business trip so he wouldn't be a problem.

i followed peter to his room and he closed the door behind him. "here, sit down on my bed. get comfortable. you need to relax as much as you can for this."

i sat down and relaxed a bit. i was slightly nervous for what i was capable of. peter grabbed a paperclip. "first, we're gonna start small. i want you to try and make this float, okay?" he said. "i'll do my best." i replied.

he placed it in front of me and i focused all of my energy on the paperclip. shortly, it was in the air.

"good job! you're doing great so far." he said placing a hand on my back. i dropped the paperclip and smiled at him. i felt him place a quick peck on my cheek.

he brought out a bigger object. a wooden block. it seemed pretty easy since it was small. he signaled me to use my power on it. i focused all of my energy on the block and made it float. it was a bit harder this time. i quickly dropped it due to it tiring me out. "good job, doll. we're gonna do one more, okay? if you can't do it, let me know and we'll try again tomorrow." peter said reassuringly.

"okay." i said and smiled at him. he placed a thick book infront of me. i got nervous and started fiddling with my fingers. peter placed his hand over mine. "it's okay, you can do it. i believe in you and you need to believe in yourself."

his words made me calm down. he was so comforting. i looked at the book infront of me and focused on it. i placed all of my energy into the book. it was a lot heavier than the block. it started floating but i was worn out easily. my nose started pouring out blood and i got nauseous quickly.

peter quickly reacted and grabbed tissues and put them under my nose. he sat beside me and placed his arm around me while i put my head on his shoulder. "y/n, i'm so proud of you. you did amazing. before you know it, you'll be so powerful." peter said placing a kiss on the top of my head.

he swapped out tissues ever so often. he cared for me when no one else would. my nose stopped bleeding after a bit. i looked up at him and i started crying. "why are you crying, what's wrong?" he asked.

i was crying because i don't remember ever having anyone comfort me this much in my life. not like i'd be able to remember it anyways because of my memory loss but, peter made me feel like i was the luckiest girl in the world.

"thank you." i said, with gentle tears falling down my face. he wiped my tears off my face. he pulled me in for a hug. "no thank you, you helped me out by being there for me when we first met, so i'm returning the favor, princess."

i nuzzled my head into his chest and closed my eyes. his warmth was enough to nearly make me fall asleep. "don't fall asleep on me sleepyhead.." peter said chuckling.

i looked up at him. "i won'ttttt". he smiled at me and kissed me. he placed his hand on the side of my face and rubbed his thumb on my cheek. he deepened the kiss. it didn't feel lustful, it felt like a true loves kiss.

he pulled me closer to him. i didn't think i could be pulled closer to him but here we are. peter pulled away and rested his forehead on mine. "you're so special to me y/n"

"peter, if i don't marry you when we get out of here, i don't know what i'll do." i said chuckling lightly. he laughed and kissed me again. he placed kisses all over my face.

it sort of tickled so i was laughing. his face was red from laughing as well. "here, let's lay down. you can change into some of my clothes to sleep in if you want. brenner won't be back until a few hours after the kids wake up." peter said. "okay, that's fine" i said. he grabbed me a gray t-shirt and some of his sweatpants.

i took my shirt and pants off and he did the same. we both changed into his clothes. his shirt swallowed me whole and i had to tighten up his sweatpants on me as thought as it would tie. he laughed at how his clothes fit on me. "don't make fun of me." i said crossing my arms. "you look beautiful." he said taking my hand and leading me to his bed.

he laid me down and shortly laid down beside me after. he pulled the covers over us and i laid my head on his chest. i could hear his heartbeat, the sound was comforting. he wrapped his arm around me and played with my hair.

i slowly started to fall asleep. i realized peter had fallen asleep as he was gently snoring. i gently smiled.

"i love you peter." i thought.

i noticed he had stopped snoring.

"i love you too." i heard his voice in my head.

hi guys. sorry it took me so long to post another chapter. i had games yesterday and i've been very sick today. but i felt better enough to post a chapter. and i felt like we needed more cute peter and y/n moments so there we go. ily guys i hope you enjoyed :)

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