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i woke up to peter rubbing my back slowly. i felt his chest moving up and down and heard his heartbeat. i inhaled deeply and exhaled.

"good morning, sleepyhead." i heard him say. he sounded like he just woke up. there was a bit of rasp to his deep voice. his voice being the first thing to hear when i woke up was very relaxing.

i sat up and stretched a bit. i looked back at peter. "are you ready to get the hell out of here?" i asked. "yes, princess. i'm more than ready. but your power strength-" he said until i cut him off. "peter i can do it. i'll practice throughout the day and whenever brenner leaves again, we can make our escape." i said.

he had a nervous expression on his face but he nodded hesitantly. "don't be nervous, peter." i grabbed his hand. "believe in me. i can do this. plus, i have you to help me. i'll be okay." i said smiling softly at him. his nervous expression changed into a soft look. he looked at me with his sapphire eyes. eyes that could be seen from miles away. it felt like they were piercing into my soul.

he placed his hand i grabbed onto my face and leaned in. "i love you." he said. i went to say it back but i felt his lips gently mold into mine. his lips felt warm. peter kissing me was a dream come true. every kiss felt like the first one. my feelings for him are no doubt stronger than ever.

he pulled away and smiled like an idiot. "i love you too peter." i said. i smiled back. "let's get ready, okay?" i said. he nodded and placed a quick kiss on my forehead before he got up.

as i got up i felt his eyes on my back. i turned around to see him looking at me. i tilted my head, shifted my eyebrows, and smiled. he quickly hugged me tightly.

"we'll be okay when we escape right?" he said. "of course we'll be okay. i promise." i said wrapping my arms around him and rubbing his back. he pulled away. his vibe felt nervous but vulnerable. i have never seen or felt peter this vulnerable before. it felt like a door opening that has taken forever to figure out how to open.

i put on the orderly uniform. the usual white button up tucked into white pants with a black belt and black slacks. i straightened my hair and put on my mascara. "you ready, princess?" peter asked. i nodded. he took my head and lead me out to the rainbow room.

peter opened the door to the room and the room was already setup. maybe the guards did the job for us this morning. me and peter stood in our usual spots.

a few minutes later, the children started piling in. eleven always caught my eye. she was like a little sister to me. she smiled at me softly. she smiled at peter as well.

time skip to 10:00, where brenner comes back from his "business trip" lmfao

brenner walked into the room. "hello children! again, we will not be doing anything as i have a last minute unexpected business trip to attend to. but don't worry, we will continue with lessons tomorrow!"

i thought to myself. me and peter won't even be here tomorrow. i glanced over at peter. he was paying attention to brenner. i did the same.

i took notice of the look on peters face. he looked like he was thinking. thinking about something hard, but i couldn't read his mind. it's like he was channeling me out. it bothered me but i tried not to think too much about it.

lunch time
the time hit 12:30. lunch time. today was different. none of the guards were in the room to pay attention to the kids. so it was left to me and peter. i looked over to find 012 and 002 bullying 011.

i rushed over and grabbed the two. "cut it out." i said. 012 spit in my face. "shut the hell up whore, get your hands off of me. i heard what you did with peter, you whore." 012 said. i felt my heart speeding up.

the rage in me increased ever so slightly. i felt my cheeks get hot and my cheeks growing red. "leave her alone!" 011 said. 002 grabbed 011 and threw her on the ground.

"HEY, jackass!" i yelled. peter looked over quickly. 002 turned to me quickly. "run that by me again, what did you call me?" 002 said. "i called you a jackass." i said walking towards him, towering over him. 002 threw his hand out and i was thrown against a wall.

"fuck" i said. i winced at the pain in my back. my nose started bleeding due to the heavy impact. peter snatched up 012 and 002. guards came rushing in the room. they grabbed 012 and 002. "peter, take her to the infirmary." they said. peter nodded.

peter picked me up and took me to the infirmary. "are you gonna be okay?" he asked me. i nodded. "yeah, just my back is a little sore but other than that i'm fine i guess." i replied.

peter handed me a box of tissues for my nosebleed. "take these and wait here. do not come out of the room until i come back for you. we're getting out of here." peter said.

already? we were getting out already?

"oh- okay-" i said.

he hurried out of the room. what was the boy planning?

a good 15 minutes later i heard the alarm going off. "oh god." i said to myself. i heard distant screaming. it was coming from the rainbow room. i know peter said to wait but, i have to check up on him.

i got up off the infirmary table and opened the door. i walked out to find blood smeared all over the walls. i immediately felt sick to my stomach. i followed the blood to the rainbow room.

i opened the door to find peter and the room covered with blood. peter had his hand held up. i looked to where his hand was pointing and he was choking 002.

"this is what you get for hurting her you son of a bitch." peter said. 002 dropped to the floor. i stood there watching, frozen.

the look of terror in my eyes and the feeling of it in my body grew. peter turned around to find me standing and staring at him.

"....y/n" peter said. he walked over to me. he had blood on his face. his perfect swoop in his hair was slicked back and he was breathing heavily.

"pe-peter- what is this..?" i asked hesitantly. "this wasn't part of the plan"

"they hurt you, doll." he said grabbing my shoulder. his grip was tight.

"this is why i asked you to wait..." he said.

and in that moment. that feeling of peters vulnerability this morning. his open door, had now felt closed again.

hi lol. i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter tbh. i had the help of a friend writing this so woop woop. ily

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