A great battle in shadow

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(Flash back) (this happened before the toy story chapter btw)
Jessica was roaming in a forest manly because she was bored but she did see and hear something that caught her cold blooded eyes. A girl wearing pink and a boy that has red hair but the weirdest thing about him was he was wearing an organisation coat on. She hid behind a tree and started to watch and listen to who and what theses mortals are talking about.
???: what's wrong?
???: huh nothing sorry
???: Lea
Lea: what i am?
The mortal named Lea then sat on a rock near him and then he noticed that the girl is writing something on a paper sheet.
Lea: a letter?
???: yep
Lea: to sora?
That made Jessica want listen more just hearing that name be spoken she literally digs her metal clawed cloved fingers into the tree as well her eye burning purple. Seance she was a heartless hybrid she could only feel negative emotions but if she was a nobody she would've felt absolutely nothing and if she was an unversed she would be able to feel but she would probably be a maniac.
???: hmmm technically yes. But I won't send it. It's more for me.
Lea: ask merlin. He'll deliver it for you
???: yea but it's okey. I just like talking to sora. Even if it's on paper.

Lea: ohhhhhh. Okey
Jessica: I-I don't......understand? Why are they so........happy together? How do they act so...nice???
Then Lea gets out ice creams or ice lollies technically and yet Jessica was still confused on how this friendship bond works the other I mean she has heartless "friends" but their just pretend to be like an actual friend not a real one. Even a single tear came out of Jessica's eyes but her expression didn't change she doesn't even cry in joy or like say if someone said something so smoothing it made you cry type of cry. She could only cry negatively.

???:ice cream? Really?
Lea: yeah I asked merlin to pick these up. Ya know, we did both summon key blades. Gotta celebrate.
???: your sweet Lea
Lea chuckled a bit before then they started on their ice cream.
Jessica then got a twisted idea inside her void for a mind.
Jessica: yes I've got it. If I can't understand how they became friends. Then I'll have to break there friendship but only next time not now. When they both know how to put up a fight. Then I'll do it.

Lea then sonde out and the girl noticed quickly.
???: what?
Lea: n-n-nothing I just.
???: your trying to remember what you forgot?
Lea: well I...yeah...yeah
Jessica: that guy is so weird.
Lea then looks over to where the sun shins and then that girl spoke again.
???: so tomorrow you and me in the ring. You ready?
Lea: course.
???: don't hold back Lea promise.
He then looks back only to see a girl with an organisation coat on with black hair.
This was Jessica's doing let's say she had a little amulet called the nightmare trick. This can give people hallucinations of people they miss or know that something bad has happened to them just so they can cry about it. In the welders possession but it only works when a dark entity is the welder not a mortal.
And that's exactly what happened Lea started to cry he even had his eyes open wide and he dropped his ice cream which made Jessica giggle a bit.
???: huh are you okey? Lea!
Lea: yeah...sorry.
???: your crying what's wrong
Lea: something in my eyes
???: Lea?
Lea: I'm gonna go sorry
???: kay. But stop apologising
Lea: fine on one condition.
???: what?
Axel: call me axel from now on. Got it. mesmerised?
???:okey axel.
So what happened wile that flash back was playing was that Jessica had found the 3 dark winters but they were lost so with a sigh of disappointment she sends them back to the realm of darkness and left her to do all the work. And now she's controlling a guy named prince Hans to basically kill Elsa. And now there at a giant frozen lake.

A girl was literally had her skin frozen (no pun intended) was walking on ice near destroyed ships till she saw someone running towards her
???: Kristoff?
She said in a shaky voice.
Kristoff: ANNA!
Anna then turns to see a guy about to kill her sister Elsa and then looks back at Kristoff that was still running towards her but she went to her sister that was on the icy ground to sacrifice herself for her.
Jessica: (giggles) do it.
The man that she has possession of then slashed the sword down but then Anna was their to block it.
Anna: Nooo!!
The sword shattered and Anna became a frozen statue of ice.
Jessica: seriously I can't kill one person today? (Sees sora) oh looks like I can test out my little puppy on them.
Jessica then made the man have darkness effects on his unconscious body until then the darkness went to the 3 and made a puddle of shadow then they was sucked inside.

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