Part 1 - good friends

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King Dice was a just another person living in inkwell isle. He had a show called 'roll the dice', where he would have fun and give everyone a prize at the end. Even if they lost he would give them a lolly pop or a tiny plastic trophy. Everyone loved King Dice's show, especially two young boys called Cuphead and Mugman. One day the two boys finally managed to book seats for the show and where one of the first people in line. Once they where inside they where astonished by how big the stage was and how many seats there where. Before doing anything else they both rushed to the front and sat in two seats that where right next to the isle. They where both jumping up and down on there seats as they waited for King Dice himself to walk through the curtains.

All of a sudden a voice came over the loud speakers, it wasn't King Dice's voice, it was the voice of a random man saying:

"Lady's and Gentlemen, please welcome......KING DICE!"

Cuphead and Mugman started cheering with everyone else as they clapped frantically. King Dice came out onto the stage with a huge smile on his face and microphone in hand.

"Hello everyone! How're y'all doin' tonight?!"

Everyone started cheering again while Dice let out a few chuckles that no one could hear. Dice loved his show more than anything and anyone. Well, to be honest, Dice was never given the option of love when it came to people. The only love from another person he knows is from his fangirls and fanboys. Still, his life outside of the show was miserable, he never had anyone to talk to and was lonely unless he was talking to the stage staff. The stage staffs names where Wheezy, Phearlapp and Pirouletta, who are all extremely close friends to King Dice. However, they never got to talk outside of the show since King Dice was always travelling and they where always working.

"Hahaha! Let's calm down now folks, we need a contestant for the show!"

Instantly, people hands where in the air, it was like Dice casted a spell.
Dice looked around frantically trying to spot people with hands raised and peoples faces hiding behind the waving hands. Looking down at the front, he saw two boys. Cuphead and Mugman.

"You! What's your name?"

Mugman didn't say anything and froze on the spot. Cuphead went behind Mugman and said:
"Im Mugman!", trying to do Mugman's voice as best as he could. Cuphead smiled awkwardly as he pushed Mugman onto the stage.

"Ok Mugman, were glad to have you here, now, name that tune!"

The band started playing and coincidentally it was his brother Cupheads favourite song. He snapped out of his frozen state and listened a bit more.

"The-The d-d-daring young man on t-the flying trapeze...?"


Mugman smiled a little and looked over at his brother who was cheering and giving him a thumbs up.

"Now, we have our trivia question!"

Mugman gulped and was getting more worried by the second.

"Where can you find the Grim Matchstick dragon?"

"M-Mount Eruptus!"

"Correct! Ok Mugman! It's time to roll the Dice!"

The crowd cheered and all of Mugmans stress went away. He quickly ran to the two dices and rubbed his hands together. Mugman then put his hands up and then rolled the giant dices. The crowd cheered and cuphead was jumping up and down in his seat.


"Oooooooo snake eyes!!"

Someone in the crowd shouted and then everyone else burst into laughter.

Dice got extremely angry and shouted at them.

"Now listen here! He tried his best! Y'know what, you come up here and roll the dice!"

Mugman smiled and the person the caused all of the laughter started sweating.


Someone in the crowd shouted in a teasing way. The person who caused the laughter earlier stood up and marched over to the giant Dice's. They raised their hands and then rolled the dice's. Everyone one watched as the person also lost.

"Ooh! Bad luck! Hahaha!"

Dice laughed and then the rest of the crowd joined in. The person then stamped their feet and left the building. Dice let out a few more chuckles and then gave Mugman a big lollipop. Mugman jumped off the stage and hugged his brother while laughing. Among the crowd the two brothers couldn't stop talking about what happened and how funny and cool it was. A few more contestants went and the show lasted for about 3 hours.

"Alright folks, it's time for everyone to leave, have a nice night!"

Dice walked happily behind the stage as everyone walked out and kept talking about what Dice did earlier.

The two brothers where hiding in front of the stage to the point you'd have to look down from  right at the end to see them. Once everyone left they ran behind the stage to find King Dice. Once they got in the back they found Dice sitting at his dressing table. He had a calm smile on his face as he stared into his mirror, clearly day dreaming.

"Mr King Dice! Mr King Dice!"

Dice snapped out of his daydream and turned around to see the two brother's standing behind him.

"What're you doin' in here?! Do ya realise how much trouble I'll be in?!"

"It'll just take a second Mr Dice!"

Dice raised an eyebrow.

"What do ya mean?"

"We wanted to ask if you wanted to be our friend!"

Dice jumped at this. He never expected anyone to ask to be his friend.
He looked at the two who where staring back at him with puppy eyes. Dice smiled a little.

"Alright, we can be friends."

The two brothers cheered and hopped around. Dice instantly stopped them because he knew what his director would say to him if he was being loud. Dice shushed them and the brothers replied with a whispered:


And then let out a child-like giggle.

The Devils Dirty Deeds (Kind Dice)Where stories live. Discover now