Part 3 - the casino

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It was around 8:00pm when the three arrived. The flashing lights, the music, the sounds of machines and the drunken laughter of close friends flooded the room. Dice was in a confused daze, not knowing what to do, Mugman was sweating and letting out a few whimpers, meanwhile Cuphead was jumping up and down, trying to get Mugman to do some gambling.
The brothers ran off before Dice could speak, with nothing to do he just walked to the corner of the casino. The corner was dark so he hoped no employees would see him loitering.

He looked around and saw Cuphead and Mugman doing some gambling. There was a strange man with horns sat at the table and Dice could only assume that, that was the Devil.
The Devil had a cigar hanging out of his mouth and every time he made a move he would puff some smoke out after.

Dice was suddenly snapped out of his daze when he heard a female voice behind him.


Standing behind him was non-other than Pirouletta.


The both stared at each other, both in complete shock to see each other at the casino.

"What're you doin here?!"

"What're YOU doin here?!"

"Pirouletta, I had no idea you had a second job!"

Pirouletta smiled.

"I'm not the only one!"

She then points to the bar. At the bar was Phear Lapp serving people shots. She then pointed to the table where Devil was sitting. A giant ashtray rolls up to the Devil in which he lets some ashes from his cigar fall into. Once he was finished Wheezy popped out and then bowed. That was Wheezy's ashtray!

"Whoa, Whoa, WHOA! So you guys work at the casino?!"

"Yes, we have for a long time! It's fun here, when you behave that is..."

Before Dice could ask any further Pirouletta moved away quickly. He was left in confusion before he heard Mugman and Cuphead pleading.
He looked over to see the Devil laughing and the boys on their hands and knees.

"Don't you boys know that you shouldn't make a deal with the Devil? Your souls are Ṃ̸͊̊̈́Į̴̧̝͔͍͖͇̹̗̅͆̈́̈́̒̕N̶͎̫̉̍͘͝E̵̪͐̌̕ͅ."

Dice understood what was going on and then saw the Devil raise his hand.


Just when the Devil was about to take their souls Dice jumped in between, stopping the Devil in his tracks.

"They're just kids! You can't hurt em!"

The crowd gasped and put on worried faces, they all had clear knowledge on the Devils power but the unfortunate die man didn't know how strong the Devil was.
A low growl came out of the Devil as he stared down at Dice. However, Dice absolutely refused to move, he stood his ground to protect his new friends.

"Listen here little man, I'll let you leave alive and WITH your soul, if you just give me those cups."

"No! I won't let you! Take me if you want, just leave them alone!"

Devil looked Dice up and down. He saw that Dice had no fear of what was standing in front of him and smirked. Devil gripped Dices shoulder extremely hard which caused Dice to tense up, but he refused to show any fear.

"Do you truly have no fear?"

Dice didn't reply and just stared at the Devil with a face filled with determination. He wasn't going to let the Devil take his new friends away from him.


With one swift movement of the Devils hand an invisible force pushed everyone except Dice out of the casino. Devil that turned to the staff and they all ran into the storage room.
Dice didn't know what was going on and was still tense. The Devil then turned back to Dice, looking him up and down.

"You are very.....determined. I will let your friends go if you give me your soul contract instead of theirs, then, you will work for me."

Without turning back Dice could hear Cuphead and Mugman banging on the Casino doors, begging Dice not to accept the offer.
The whole world seemed to go quiet, everything sounded muffled. Dice thought back to his show, his old life, his new friends and his old friends. However, Dice knew if he didn't accept this his new friends will never be the same again.
With a firm voice Dice looked up at the Devil and......

"Ok!.....I'll do it."

"Mr King Dice no!"

The brothers where still banging on the casino doors, screaming at Dice to get out of there.

Dice sighed, he knew his life had changed forever at the hands of one sentence.

"We have a deal..."

The Devils Dirty Deeds (Kind Dice)Where stories live. Discover now