Part 5 - shock

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Cuphead, Mugman and Elder Kettle entered the casino. Like they knew, King Dice was walking off the stage as his act was ending and a new one was going to start soon. They all knew that in order to get to Dice they would have to sneak backstage. Unfortunately because of they amount of employees Elder Kettle would never be able to sneak by unseen because of his height. Good for them, Cuphead and Mugman where the perfect height and can sneak by with almost complete ease.

It took them a while since wheezy and Phear Lapp where at the bar which was right next to the stage. Wheezy couldn't see it but Phear Lapp could, so they had to wait for him to either turn away or for Wheezy to make him laugh and distract him. Fortunately, Elder Kettle already had that handled and kept them busy with an order and while Phear Lapp made it he had a conversation with Wheezy.

Within a few minutes the brothers where backstage staring at another door. Surprisingly, there was no security and they where met by a hallway with doors on each side. On those doors there where names of the employees. Chips Bettigan, The great Hopus Pocus, Mr. Wheezy, King Dice!

Cuphead and Mugman open the door silently and then close it. I'm the room was King Dice sitting at some sort of dressing table talking to himself.

"Ok King Dice you can do this, ya made this sacrifice for a reason. Just live with this..."

"Mr King Dice!"

Cuphead shouted happily. But instead of being happy to see his friends Dice turns to them in his chair and looked like he just saw a dead man.

"What're ya doin here?!"

"We came to see ya! Ain't ya happy to see us?"

Mugman said with a smile on his face.

"Now come on! Let's get you outa' here!"

The two brothers push Dice out of his chair and try to get him out of the room. They are suddenly surprised when Dice puts his hands on the doorframe and stops them from going forward. Without turning to them dice starts talking.

"I think it's best you leave. If my boss sees ya here you have no idea what will happen to ya...."

"B-But Dice...we're all friends here! Let's just leave!"

"I never said we weren't friends. I just don't want ya to put yourselves in danger.."


"Out! Now!"

Dice didn't want to shout at them, but it was the only way to keep them safe.

However, Dice's sudden outburst attracted the Devil. Dice could already see the fire forming, indicating that Devil was teleporting to them. Before the brothers could even speak Dice grabs them and practically shoves them under his bed before sitting at his dressing table. Dice then put on his acting face and pretended he didn't see the Devil teleporting.

"Dice! What is all this noise?!"

"I'm sorry boss! Something fell off my desk and landed on my foot.."

"Tch! Just be careful next time!"

"Yes boss.."

Dice gave Devil a weak smile before Devil teleported, probably to his office.

"You two need to go! Now!"

Cuphead and Mugman crawled out from under the bed.


"Look, if the Devil sees you two here he'll take your souls and mine!"

The brothers couldn't protest any further as Dice pushed them out of his room. They both sulked and got out the same way they got in. Elder Kettle was still talking to Wheezy and Phear Lapp but as soon as he saw them he ran over cutting his conversation short.

"Where is he?!"

Cuphead looked away with a face that showed he was inches away from crying and Mugman looked down and WAS silently sobbing. Elder Kettle immediately understood that he had to get them out of here and back to the cottage.

The Devils Dirty Deeds (Kind Dice)Where stories live. Discover now