Part 9 - big uh oh

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Dice was darting through bushes and behind trees. He held out one of the photos that Devil gave him. A photo of Elder Kettle's house with the house address written in the corner with black ink. Dice definitely recognised it as Devils cursive hand writing.

Unfortunately, Dice had no idea on how he was going to get inside. He couldn't just knock on the door and say: "Hi I'm here for your soul".
He had to think of something. And then he remembered that he had a mini screwdriver in his pocket from when he was at the construction site. Wheezy gave it to him since he couldn't find his tool box. P.S: It was behind him when he was sat down so he couldn't see it.

Dice swiped the mini screwdriver out of his pocket with a wicked smile. The Cups' soul would belong to the Devil soon! Dice knew he couldn't go in through the front door. So he decided to pick the locks on one of the windows. He went around the house and then saw a window with no curtains blocking it, he looked inside and saw Cuphead and Mugman. He pulled out another one of the photos the Devil gave him and it was a picture of the two brothers with their names above their head writen in red ink. He looked back through the window and at the same time Cuphead looked at it. Dice ducked down just in time but Cuphead did notice something duck down.



"Did you see that?"

"No? What was it?"

"I think I saw something near the window."

Cuphead stands near the window, opens it and looks out. When there's nothing there he turns to Mugman, leaving the window open.

"I must've been seeing things, there's nothing there!"

Just after he said that KingDice jumps in through the window and stands behind cuphead. Cuphead doesn't hear nor see Dice but Mugman definitely did.


"What is it Mugsy?"

Cuphead turns around to see Dice waving at him.



Cuphead and Mugman screamed as Dice swung an axe at them that he had behind his back. The axe plunged into the floor with the brothers running in all directions. At this point it was certain that the three didn't remember each other. Dice just saw them as a common target and the boys saw Dice as a maniac.

The brothers ran out into the living room.

"Elder Kettle! Elder Kettle!"

"Eh? Boys! What on earth is going on here!?"

Dice stopped in his tracks and hid the axe behind his back.

Elder Kettle gasped.

"King Dice! You came back to us!"

The brothers and King Dice where confused. King Dice and the brothers had no memory of each other, plus King Dice didn't know who Elder Kettle was either.

Elder Kettle grabs King Dice's arm and makes him sit down on the couch.

"Uh sir I don't think you understa-"

"Oh no need to be formal Mr King Dice! Call me Elder Kettle!"

"Um, ok....Elder...Kettle? I'm not here for-"

"Oh no need to ask me! I'll get the tea going!"

Cuphead stops Elder Kettle in his tracks.

"Elder Kettle! Don't be nice to him! He tried to kill us!"

Mugman joins in.


"Ack. Boys don't be so rude! I know you're both still upset about what happened at the casino but I'm sure he forgives you!"

Elder Kettle pats both the brothers on the head and then walks out of the room, not letting either of them say anything further. They both look over at King Dice who was still sat on the chair. The brothers walk over to the other chair next to him and slip onto it. The three give each other a chain of death stares. Cuphead kept rolling his eyes, Mugman squinted his eyes and King Dice let out a "hmph".

Dice started thinking to himself....

'If I don't get their souls soon the Devil will be all over me! And not the way i want him to be. I'll have to find a way to get their souls without that old man noticing...'

The Devils Dirty Deeds (Kind Dice)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu