Part 10 - The chimes

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Elder Kettle came back in with the tea while striking a conversation. Dice was talking cautiously while side eyeing the two brothers, they did the same in return while they did their jigsaw puzzle.
Dice didn't know what it was but he secretly liked this place, it felt more like a home than the casino would ever be. He didn't want to leave but he had a job to do, to collect the cup brothers souls. He had limited time, Devil wanted the souls as soon as possible.

Dice and Elder Kettle where still half way through a conversation when the chimes of a grandfather clock could be heard. Elder Kettle was old and it was kind of expected for him to have a grandfather clock, but those thoughts shut up immediately when Elder Kettle said:

"That's strange, I don't have a grandfather clock."

Elder Kettle frantically looked around, trying to see if his frail mind just forgot that he had one. But no. He didn't have one and the chimes continued to echo through the cottage. The brothers hugged each other with chattering teeth and even Elder Kettle started to look concerned. Dice didn't quite understand at first but then he remembered.

'Damn it! I forgot all about the Devil!'

With a sudden burst of flames in the middle of the room came a tall figure with fur and a pitch fork.

"King Dice! Your time is up!"

"Ah! Devy! Please give me more time, I'm sorry!"

"It's too late for that, if you won't collect their souls, I'll do it myself."

The boys continued to shake as the Devil approached, completely shoving Dice onto the floor and out of the way. Elder Kettle was still sat on his chair with his tea cup showing how much he was shaking. Dice didn't know what it was but he felt that he had to protect this family, it felt like HIS family.

Just as Devil raised his pitchfork Dice came between the blast and the cup brothers. Devil didn't scream nor did he cry, he just let out a heartfelt gasp as Dice fell to the floor with a loud (THUMP).

The room fell silent and Devil just stared at Dices weak body. Dice didn't die, he was just now extremely weak as his soul flew away to the soul vault with no chance of being stopped. But sooner or later Dice might die from a lack of energy.

Without wasting any more time Devil teleported to the soul vault and shoved poor Henchman down the stairs before grabbing a lever In attempt to turn off the soul vault. He tried but to no avail. The soul vault had never been turned off before so the lever hadn't been touched in generations. Devil then looked up and saw a blue cloud of smoke coming through the pipes. Just as it came down Devil grabbed it and had a look. Yes! The soul was Dices!

He teleported back to the cottage where Elder Kettle was on his knees trying to help Dice. Devil bent down and without wasting a second, shoved Dices soul back into his body. Dice sat up quickly with a loud gasp.


Dice couldn't finish what he was saying before the Devil hugged him tightly with tears streaming down his face. Dice was shocked since he had never seen any emotion come out of the Devil other than anger. Dice wrapped his arms around the Devil and pulled him into a soft hug.

"Boss I'm fine! See!"

Devil didn't look up and continued to cry, however not even a whimper came out of him. It was like he was crying and someone pressed the mute button. Dice sighed softly while patting Devil gently on the back.

Mugman and Elder Kettle started to tear up while Cuphead was being a huge baby and on the verge of being sick.

"Oh, how sweet!"

Elder Kettle's words snapped the Devil out of his emotional break down and caused him to stand up almost immediately.

Devil clears his throat.

"Anyways, me and Dice must be going."

Devil grabs Dice and puts an arm around him. Then he turns towards Cuphead and Mugman.

"I shall let you live to see another day. You frail cups."

With a sudden blast of fire Devil and Dice where gone.

It took the three men a few seconds to understand what the Devil said but when they finally understood.....................


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