Part 11 - traitor who?...

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Pirouletta and Wheezy where running around frantically as Bowl Bot continued to count down.

"10, 9, 8..."

Bowl Boy had given them a task of building a whole wall within half an hour. Bowl Boy may be tiny and goofy but he was more mysterious than anything and neither Pirouletta and Wheezy where going to risk letting him countdown to zero.

Just as Bowl Boy reached number 4 both Pirouletta and Wheezy stopped and stood next to each other, not without Wheezy falling over and then picking himself up quickly.

"Aaaaaaand, ZERO."

Both of the casino members straightened their backs like royal guards and faced forward, fighting their souls to not break out into a nervous sweat.

Bowl Boy walked over to the wall to inspect it. He walked back and fourth slowly with his hand on his chin and his eyes squinted in a serious manner. Then out of no where Bowl Boy quickly turned around with his round eyes bulging and his face growing into a contorted maniac smile. Wheezy felt the blood drain from his face and Pirouetta couldn't hold back her sweat any more. Bowl Boy slowly walked towards them, his smile growing larger by the second. He then got closer to the employees before his creepy smile turned back into a sweet child-like smile.

"Goooooood work! I'm very proud!"

Pirouletta and Wheezy hunched over with a sigh of relief. A few seconds later there was a sudden blaze of fire and Bowl Boy was shot up into the sky. In his place appeared Devil and Dice.

"Hey guys! I'm back!"

Dice barley even got his words out before Pirouletta and Wheezy ran towards him hugging his legs and letting out frantic sobs.


King Dice let out a small chuckle, then he helped the both of them up.

"It's fine I'm back now! I ain't goin no where!"

"Speaking of 'aweful' where did Bowl Boy go? I owe him his payment for taking over while Dice was gone."

Wheezy and Pirouetta looked at each other. Pirouletta then looked back at the Devil.

"Ohhhh he had some things to do, he left a few hours ago actually!"

"What?! I was about to pay him for slacking off?! GAH! I can't stand people like that!"

"Calm down boss! Now everything's back to normal!"

"Hey dice! What happened with the cups?"

Wheezy said this while jumping up and down slightly like a child.

"Oh, we didn't get their souls! Devy- I MEAN BOSS! Let them off!"

Wheezy's eye brow suddenly rose.

"Oh, is that so..."


Devil slammed a hard hat on Dice's head before leaving with a burst of flames. Pirouletta and Dice then ran off in different directions to carry on with the construction, leaving Wheezy to stand by himself.

Wheezy's head.....

'That's it! If I can get those cups then the Boss will give me a promotion! Maybe even give me Dices position as manager!.....I don't want to make Dice upset though, he's my friend. Well, I guess sacrifices have to be made.'

Wheezy smiled evilly before leaving to deal with the construction site aswell.

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