Part 12 - intruder

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"I still can't believe the Devil set us free!"

Cuphead cheered as Elder Kettle went back to drinking his tea.

"Right? He sure is nice for a Devil!"

Mugman replied when Elder Kettle butted in.

"Dang it! My tea is cold now! I'll be back in a bit boys I just have to make some more!"

Cuphead and Mugman both nodded as they played with their Jigsaw puzzle from earlier.

•in the kitchen•

Elder Kettle was humming an old tune that he heard when he was a child. It did bring back some memories. The Kettle was rumbling away as Elder Kettle filled his cup with the necessary things, sugar, milk, a tea bag, all of that stuff.

Just as he finished the front door burst open, followed by Cuphead and Mugman screaming.

"Boys?! Are you ok?!"


Elder Kettle ran into the living room to see Wheezy holding Cuphead and Mugman hostage.

Elder Kettle gives out a heartfelt gasp and tightens his fists.

"Let them go now!"

"Over my dead body. I'm gonna be gettin a promotion if I get their souls!"

Elder Kettle tries his best to lunge forwards and save the two brother but not before Wheezy pulls out a pistol. Elder Kettle suddenly stops and raises his hands.

"Ok maybe we can work this out..."

Elder Kettle looks at Wheezy pleadingly. Wheezy then looks at Elder Kettle then back at Cuphead and Mugman. All of a sudden Wheezy's eyes light up and a devilish smile appears on his face.

"Alright then, your soul, for theirs."

Wheezy snapped as he proceeded to point his pistol and Elder Kettle and turn the safety off. The kettles mouth hung open as he stupidly realised him being held at gun point from earlier was nothing more than an empty threat he could've dodged.

Mugman managed to get the rag away from his mouth.

"Elder Kettle, don't move! Me and Cuphead would rather have our souls taken then yours, go now, while you still can!-"

Wheezy stuffed the rag back into Mugman's mouth before facing Elder Kettle again.

"You really gonna listen to some dumb kid, or are you gonna accept my deal?"

The room fell silent, Elder Kettles eyes darted between Wheezy, the cup brothers and the pistol in Wheezy's hand. Elder Kettle imagined ever scenario. If he lunged for Wheezy he would get shot, if he lunged for Cuphead and Mugman he would get shot, if he lunged for the gun he would get shot! No matter what decision Elder Kettle was going to make either Cuphead, Mugman or him where going to be shot. Elder Kettle waited for his golden moment, that one moment that would determine everyone's safety. That's when........

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