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Saturday 10:00am

"Good morning, Mom" I shout as i walk out of my door, into the living room and to the kitchen. I give her a kiss on the forehead and give her a small hug.

"Good morning, y/n" She replies, giving me the most brightest smile. I love her.

"What's for breakfast?" I ask, putting my hands on my stomach "I'm so hungry"

"Really? You're never hungry when you wake up" she lets out a giggle

"I'm never hungry when i wake up on school days! It's the holidays now, i think about food more often" I say as i let a giggle leave my mouth, when my mom laughs it's contagious.

"On today's menu, we have pancakes and fruit salad for my two precious babies!" Mom says as i notice my brother walk out of his room. It used to be riki's but he has not been here in a long time, so he stole his room. I laugh at the thought then snap back to reality.

Ew, it's my brother.

He gives me a small slap on my head as he walks past me, i give him a grin and say "Don't make me mad at this hour"

He just laughs and hugs Mom from the back "Good morning, Beautiful" He says, Mom puts her cooking on pause to hug him back.

"Good morning, Handsome" She squeezes his checks then gets back to flipping pancakes. I take a seat at the kitchen table and realise

"Mom, where did auntie go?"

"She went to go buy some groceries and she texted me she has a suprise for us later so she might take a while"

"Oh, when did she leave though?"

"Like 2 hours ago"

"That's a long time! I think she'll be home soon!"

"Why do you need her? Is everything alright?"

"Yea, everything's fine" I answer "I just want someone's opinion on this choreography i made last night" I say, hoping Auntie comes earlier than she is planning to.

"Oh, i see"

"This big company wants me to send in my self-choreographed dance to them by tonight for evaluation, they're considering me to be an assistant choreographer for the artists at their label" I say, excitedly. I really hope i get in and they consider me for an even bigger position, sooner or later.

Mom puts her untensils down and takes a seat next to me and says "You know, i could aways just help you instead" she shugs her shoulders

"Mom, remember the last time you tried to help me?" I say then look at her, she looks down "Plus, you know she actually has experience in dance!"

"That's true" She agrees and gets up from her seat to continue cooking

I sigh and look outside the window to see kites in the sky. They were all different animals. Cat, Dog, cheetah, penguin, so many! I get up from my seat and continue to look at them as i start to make myself some iced coffee. "It looks so fun to be flying one of those!" I jealously say, trying to find a straw for my drink.

"Mio has some in her storage room. We can try them out tonight if you want!" She says then laughs as she sees my eyes light up.

"Well, i can't wait" I say "Also, I will go dance for a bit at the usual and be back in like an hour so you don't have to worry about breakfast for me!"

"You don't want to eat with me?" She says, pouting her lips

"I do, i just really want to be prepared for this evaluation video"

"That's okay, hun. Take your time" Mom says, while cutting fruits for the fruit salad

"But I would actually love to take some fruits with me to eat when I have a rest there!" I playfully say to her. She grabs a container and lid from the cupboard and starts to fill them up. "You're the best, Mom!" I add, making her smile quietly.

I finally find a straw for my drink! Tell me why it was so hard just to find a straw? I turn my head to find the lid of my drink and turn back to see my brother devouring my drink.
"Noooo" I yell as I snatch my drink from his hands "Why didn't you at least ask me?" I ask angrily

"I knew you would say no!" He replies, yelling.

"It's definitely a no now!" I mumble while crossing my arms

"I didn't ask"


I ignore him and notice Mom finished making my fruit salad. It looks so delicious, I can't wait to eat it! "Thanks, Mom" I tell mum while giving her a hug, saying my goodbye.

I grab my duffel bag and jacket from my room first then head out, putting my shoes on along the way.

I close the door and start to walk out of the hallway to the stairs. I quickly rush through all of them, knowing that I'm going to dance gets me so energised and excited, I don't want any interruptions.
I reach the bottom of the stairs and stop to connect my earphones to my phone. To get myself even more pumped, I listen to music.

/ Bambi by Baekhyun /

I love the dance especially at the start of this song, makes me feel so comfortable with every move I make. I mean I also love Baekhyun not gonna lie. I see the exit of the hall and quickly walk towards it.
"y/n" I hear someone call my name but I don't answer just in case it's someone I don't want to talk to. I feel a tap on my shoulder so I react and turn my head towards the voice.

"Hey, y/n. Long time no see, huh?"
I look up to see a very tall boy with black hair and black mask. His eyes are beautiful but his wispy hair is mostly covering it.
"I'm sorry but" I say because he seems to know me but I try to distinguish who he is, he looks around before taking his mask off "who are-"

No way...


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