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niki pov:

Did I go too far?
Should I have just not made a move on her?
I did regret it as soon as I tried because I know she will never like me back. It really hurts, someone who you have liked for such a long time rejects you and what makes it even worse is that it could wreck our relationship as best friends we already have, I don't want it to go.

All because of a one-sided love.

I stay in her room, waiting for her to come back.

"Jackpot" I squeal as I see her phone laying across the room. My hands slowly grab it and open it, password is no problem because it's always the same password for everything 091205, I don't know why she always uses it but she has her reasons I guess.

I quickly delete the most embarrassing photos I see of me and keep a few so she doesn't go full on mad at me. It's really funny when she gets angry but I can't ever let my laugh out otherwise she would ignore me for such a long time.

I throw her phone across the bed as I hear the door handle struggle to be opened. It opens to show my Mom, I thought it was y/n....

"Oh, you scared me" I say as I place my hand on my heart, calming myself down

"Why are you being so secretive for?" She asks me with her eyes squinted

"No, I'm not" I let out an awkward laugh and just randomly look around her room, as if I was doing that the whole time.

"Y/n left for the dance studio a few minutes ago, she looked like he was already in a good mood before she left, what did you say to her?"

"Really? What? Nothing"

"Are you sure?" She starts to interrogate me, she's getting nowhere...


"Okay" she shrugs it off and closes the door

"It's not even 10pm yet, why did she already leave and I thought we were going together" I share my thoughts out loud, I guess she just wants to be alone for a while.

"Isn't the dance studio usually taken around this time?" I say to myself as I look at the time


5-7pm are the dance studios busiest hours (at least when I was attending it was) maybe she has like a dance class or something on. That would also be what I would love to attend during my break a few times, attending dance classes and having chill workout sessions. Dancing is where I find my rythm,

my peace.

I sigh and just lay on top of her bed, waiting for the hours to go by.

I end up falling asleep and as I open my eyes, I catch a glimpse of y/n at her study desk, writing stuff down on some random books she has.

I try to sneak in her but her bed makes a sound as I try to get up and it wrecks it...

"Aww! i was going to scare you" I say, with a pout on my face

She just replies with "shame"

I take a sneak peek on what she is writing and all I see are the words, love and dance. I know where that's going so I don't bother to look more.

My mom calls me from the living room so I just leave and close the door on my way out revealing my Mom with an excited face.

"What?" I ask curiously

"Let's go fly some kites, shall we?"

"What?" I ask again, in confusion "we still have them?"

"Yes, ugh your reaction was so boring!!" Mom says with a grin then calls out for y/n.

"Y/n!! Guess what? We're going to go fly the kites, come quickly!!" Mom yells then turns towards the kitchen, preparing snacks to take

What's so interesting about kites???

She is startled by the sound of the y/n's door immediately fly open as y/n grabs her shoes to wear. I smile at how eager she is to go fly them kites. She notices and gives me an even brighter smile back.

I should stop getting my hopes up at this point.....

I see her look at my mom after and see says "Auntie, aren't you excited??"

"Yes, that's why I'm preparing these delicious snacks for us to eat while we go" Mom replies while y/n can't stop adjusting her hair at the mirror near the entrance. She's debating whether to let it down or quickly braid it.

"Why you fussing for? You look good either way" I say and cover my mouth in shock, why do I make everything worse. She probably feels so uncomfortable after what I said, instead she just thanks me and leaves it down.

Nikiiiii, what are you doing to yourself?? I think to myself, why the hell am I getting my hopes up so much, she doesn't even like me the way I like her

a/n: their holidays are just starting while mine are coming to an end :( ahhh I hate this

i also still have school work and actual work to do!! my teachers are going to kill me haha but at this point, please do haha jkjk

what do you guys think of the book so far? are you guys getting mad that this is going too slow? I feel like lots of you would think that 😭

have a great day yall and enjoy reading... also thank u all so much for all the reads and even considering this book! I love u all so so much and you all deserve the world :)

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