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"omg, what the hell did i get myself into?" y/n says to herself, extremely quiet as she is aware of her surroundings.

dancers practicing, water bottles and jumpers laying everywhere. that is when y/n spots gaku doing some stretches. she slowly approaches him, not wanting to be noticed by other dancers as she is still so shy.

she pokes his shoulder and he looks at her through the mirror then turns around, facing her.

"you're here, omg, i thought you wouldn't come because you were taking a while" he says while placing both his hands on her shoulders, happy to see her.

"of course i would come, i just got distracted on the way here, sorry" she looks into his eyes, still full of nervousness "but dude, im so nervous right now i can't control it" she shows him her hands and how they are shaking.

he holds it to stop it from shaking and caresses it for a few seconds.

"hey, it's not like you're the one dancing with lesserafim, i should be more nervous haha" he giggles quietly "but just relax, you'll have an amazing time and don't be shy, they are so nice and chill"

y/n looks around the room, trying to get familiar with this dance room as she has never been in this specific room before. it has both a water dispenser and ice dispenser. it also has built in AC, as well as adjustable windows at the top and on the sides.

"this room is pretty advanced, right? gaku says, with a smirk while looking at her, knowing she is still so nervous. "take a sip of water, chug if you need to, jut chill down a bit" he lets out a deep breath "it will all be okay, just don't faint coz i would have no idea where to take you" he laughs while his attention leads him to the door where 5 beautiful, young idols walk in, bowing every second until they reach the middle of the room, where they meet up with the choreographers.

y/n watches them casually talk with the choreographers "they seem to get along well" she whispers to herself "fighting gaku!" she quietly says to gaku as he gets up to talk with the others about what they will be working on today.

music starts playing and y/n watches them get into position, suddenly a whole bunch of other dancers come into the room and she is wowed by how many there are. she tries to count them in her head but there are too many.

"this stage is going to be so good omg" she manages to get out while still in awe about the sight right in front of her eyes

unsure where to look, y/n fixes her eyes on gaku, admiring how much talent he has and how she STILL has so much to learn from him.

"you interested?" a middle-aged woman sits down next to y/n and asks her

y/n flinches and stares at her in confusion, waiting for her to say something else...

"in dancing.. you interested in dancing?"

y/ns eyes glow up as she hears those words "yes, i love dancing, in fact i am a choreographer here in hybe"

the middle-aged woman laughs and says "i know who you are, i mean are you interested in working with us one day?" she looks at her dead in the eye, expecting a response

"for real??? oh my god, i would love that"

"really? i didn't know you would actually agree, i really thought you would be too busy! let me introduce myself... my name is seo-minji, i am lesserafims manager"

"wow, it's a pleasure to meet you"

"and me to you, you choreographed super, right? by seventeen?"

"that's me! hahah it was such a long and hard journey but i got there in the end, the performances all came out so good!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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