Chapter 4

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~6 AM the next day, Zoe's point of view~

The sunlight kisses my face and makes me wake up with a smile. I open my eyes and immediately cover them with my hand due to the bright light. When I think I'm used to it a little, I rub through my eyes and look around, expecting to see my light blue bedroom and my night sky blue closet with stars painted on it. To my surprise, I'm not in my bedroom, but in a room I do not recognise. The wall is white and there's a cabinet with three big drawers painted in dark red. I'm lying in a bed that's in between a single and a dubble. I notice the dark red covers and pillows. The bed is amazingly comfortable. Then I remember where I am: Ethan's appartment. Little things from last night start appearing in my mind and I smile. Last night felt really good. He's actually great at comforting people, I didn't think about Bartholomew all night! I stand up and walk out the door of the room I assume is the guest bedroom. Behind the door I find a hallway with a door at the other end and one door to my right in the middle between my door and the one at the other end. I walk towards the middle door and open it to reveal a beautiful but simple bathroom. I close the door again and walk towards the other door, my curiosity getting the best of me. Behind that door lies another bedroom, I assume Ethan's. It's very simple: a bed in between the size of a single and a dubble, bedsheets with red, yellow, pink, purple and orange squares like a sunset, an old brown closet and there's some stuff in the far corner of the room. Furrowing my eyebrows, I walk towards it and see some planks with foam on it, which I think is to make a room like in a studio. It makes recording songs really nice and improves the quality of the recordings. I guess Ethan's really serious about music. There's also a keyboard, a studio microphone, an acoustic guitar and an electric guitar with an amplifier next to it. The walls in the room aren't empty either: there's a really big 3-layered shelf filled with books, cd's and vinyls. There are also some posters and pictures on the wall. I decide I've snooped around enough and leave the room, silently closing the door behind me. I walk through the living room towards the kitchen. The moment I ask myself where Ethan could be, I see a note at the kitchen table. I pick it up.

I left for work. I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye, you were sleeping so peacefully and I didn't want to wake you.
If you don't want to go back to your home because your ex could come there too,
feel free to stay here as long as you want. I could use some company!
Have a nice day!
Love, Ethan

I smile and put the note down. Although we've only seen each other two days in a row, he still helps me and treats me like we never stopped being in contact with each other. He has changed a lot! When we were younger, he was very insecure. I never understood that, because he's good looking, even though he used to be chubby. He has always been such an amazing person: I've always known him as a kind, caring, jolly, positive, modest, selfless person. I loved everything about him. We were together from first grade until we broke up in fifth grade. I remember I dumped him then, because he was being rude to me. I didn't know he had a bad day. He told me that when we were talking the first day he got here, so two days a go. We weren't constantly a couple those 5 years , we broke up for short periods of time every now and then. Still we kept trying again and again. Until we didn't. We haven't spoken to each other after our relationship, if you can even call it a relationship to begin with, since we were just kids. We never reconnected, talked, became friends or anything like that. We just distanced ourselves from each other and felt comfortable with that distance. I do remember I cried over the break up for a while, but that's normal. He always kept a special place in my heart, though. I have reminisced about the good times I had with him. He was my first love after all. My parents always told me you never really get over your first love. I also compared every boy I've dated with Ethan. I don't know why, I just always looked out for a boy with a nice smile, curls that aren't too short on his head, bright eyes with stars in them, taller than me, a good sense of humor, a gentleman and a genuine, sincere and kind personality. Ethan was just like that. I noticed the same traits these past two days. It's not like I'm in love with him, not a chance! I just appreciate the fact he's such a good person.

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