Chapter 12

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~A week later, Zoe's point of view~

I open my eyes at the sound of my alarm going off and turn it off. I smile at the feeling of the arm swung around my waist. Ethan and I sleep in the same bed because he has a bedroom here, but there isn't another bedroom that isn't part of the B&B, except for the bedroom of Ethan's mom of course. I turn around and watch Ethan as he stirrs awake and smiles at me. "Good morning," he says in his morning voice. "Good morning," I answer. He leans in for a kiss, but I lean back. "What's wrong?" "My breath stinks!" I say, frowning when he chuckles. "I don't care!" he tells me, pulling me in for a hug. His lips brush against my ear as he whispers:"But is you prefer to brush our teeth first, I accept that." I smile:"Thanks. Let's get up now. There's just enough time for a quick workout and a shower before we need to help with breakfast." We get up and put our workout clothes on. We ge our yogamats out and start stretching. We than proceed with some abs and leg exercises. When we're done, Ethan takes a quick shower after I got ready. We make our way to the kitchen after we put our necklaces on. We get everything ready for the guests. I'm alone in the dining room to put the last basket with croissants on the table, when a sudden voice freezes my body. My eyes go wide and goosebumps form all over my body. I feel nervous and very uncomfortable. I close my eyes, recollecting myself before I turn around, a neutral expression on my face. I may look calm on the outside, but do you want to knwo what I'm thinking? I'm thinking:"Why did he come here? How does he know where to find me? Where is Ethan?" That and a bunch of words I'm not willing to repeat. "Hello," I answer him bluntly, not breaking eye contact. "Aren't you happy to see me, baby?" Bartolomew asks, making me almost scrunch my nose and roll my eyes, but I know not showing any reaction to him will work even better. "Surprised?" I answer, making him grin. "You got an attitude over time, haven't you?" "What are you doing here?" I ask, still speaking in one tone, which visibly annoys him to no end. "I'm enjoying my vacation, duh! What is there to do here in Eyemouth anyways?" he says. I can see he's waiting to see any reaction, but he isn't going to get one. Is this guy serious? Does he think he can get me back or something? "Do I look like a guide to you? There's something called Google. You don't have to annoy me with your presence any longer, have a nice day!" I make sure to say it in the same tone and to keep pmy face and body language neutral. Before he can say another word, I make my way towards the kitchen, feeling relief wash over me the moment the door closes and I see my boyfriend. "Hey, what took you so long?" he asks. I say nothing, walk towards him and hug him tight, burying my face in his chest. "Hey, hey, hey, what happened? Come on, let's go to our room for a bit. You go there now, I'll explain tot he neighbour, okay?" I nod and go to our bedroom, patiently waiting for Ethan.

~Ethan's point of view~

I make my way to the reception to call the neighbour and enter the dining room to go there, but my thoughts get interrupted by a person I had hoped I wouldn't ever see again. "Where's my girlfriend?" he asks, a cocky grin on his face, making me want to beat it off off his face immediately. I hold it in, though. At least I know why Zoe's so upset! "She's not yours. You made her cry enough. Leave her alone so she can be happy for once in her life." The grin dissappears from his face, being replaced by a confused expression. "What do you mean?" he asks. "Oh, let me see. First, she has a bad childhood, being eaten up by constant worry and fear. Then, she moves to London and meets a guy. She puts her trust in him, totally mesmerized by his words that later turn out to be lies. You made her believe you loved her, as in feeling? I don't know if you know what that is. Anyways, instead of a healthy relationship she gets a one way relationship where she puts all the work in and the only thing she gets is stupid gifts to shut her up. Oh, yes, she has been so happy!" I walk away from him, deciding it's the best for both of us not to have an argument. I call the neighbour, explaing that Zoe is really upset because one of the guests is her ex and he's bothering her. He immediately tells me he'll help and that he'll get here in 10 minutes. I hang up the phone and run towards our bedroom, telling Zoe I'll come when the neighbour takes over. She tells me to stay in the B&B and that she'll just take some time to recollect herself. I nod, give her a short kiss and tell her I love her before going back to the dining room, ignoring Bartholomew completely and helping the other guests. He seems to get the message immediately, because he doesn't say a word to me. I'm busy helping guests, pouring coffee and orange juice and milk, when the neighbour comes in to help me. I whisper a short 'thanks', recieving a wink and a smile. We get to work and after about 20 minutes, Zoe comes to help out too. I look at her as to ask her if she's okay. She simply smiles and nods. We work opurselves through the breakfast rush. We clean the dining room and the kitchen. When that's done, we sit around a table. "Are you okay Zoe?" the neighbour asks. "Yes, I am. I will act more professionaly, I just didn't expect him to be here. I can't believe he's here," Zoe explains. "I understand, luckily it's sunday. You don't have to help tommorow and tuesday. I have looked in the registration for the name Ethan told me and he's only here for 3 days. By the time you come here wednesday he's gone. I can't garantuee you won't bump into him outside, though. I think he won't be too annoying as long as you don't show him any reaction. Just treat him like a guest, a stranger. Act kind, but neutral. He'll get the message and stop trying whatever he's trying to do," the neighbour explains.

~That evening, Zoe's point of view~

I did exactly as the neighbour suggested and he was right; Bartholomew hasn't tried anything. I'm glad he didn't. I'm sitting on the terrace, trying to clear my mind. "Tough day?" a familiar voice asks. I turn my head in the direction the voice came from and smile at Ethan's mom. "Ethan told me, if you don't mind. He's worried about you, you know? Can I give you an advice?" she looks at me. Her gaze calms me down. There's such peace in her eyes. I nod and smile at her. "Love can be very difficult sometimes, I know that, but never try to disobey your heart. I did that once and have regretted it my whole life." I frown:"What did you do?" "Well, I was amdly in love with this boy. He was disciplined, strong, kind, caring, smart. Basically everything I wanted in a guy. I also had a best friend. He had been in love with me for a very long time and I knew that. Well, I was scared for the strong feelings I had for the boy and went with the safest option: I decided to have a relationship with my best friend and accept that I can't have the boy I had wanted. I learned to love my best friend and it worked. I married him, had my child with him and lost him not long after that child was born. The fact that he was my best friend really helped me to fall in love with him, yet I've always fantasized about how it could've been. Look, I disobeyed my heart and yes, it all turned out to be fine in the end, but I now know that life isn't infinite. With disobeying the heart comes a lot fo wasted time, time you could've spent in harmony with the heart, but you chose not to. And before you realise it, it's too late. Take this advice with you through life, will you? I'm sure it will help you in many situations." With those words, she stands up and leaves, wishing me good night before leaving. Just when Ithink I'm all alone, she says:"Oh, before i forget. Ethan is the reason your ex didn' say anything else and left you alone. Ethan realised by talking to the guy that he didn't understand what he has put you through, so Ethan made him clear that he hurt you and that you deserve to be happy and follow your heart. Make sure to thank him for it or scold him if you feel like you have to. I'm sure he's in good hands with you. I chuckle at her words and thank her. I won' scold him for standing up for me. I still wonder how Bartholomew knew I would be here. I guess I need to talk to him anyways. I'll speak to him when I see him. I decide to go to sleep as it's already very late. I put my pajamas on and get in bed, snuggling into Ethan's chest as sleep takes over my body.

~Narrator's point of view~

The next day, Bartholomew checks out and leaves, leaving a letter for Zoe and Ethan.

Dear Zoe and Ethan,

I'm really sorry for acting the way I did. I was just jealous of you. You are just a way better couple. I'll explain how I knew where you were, please don't think I'm a stalker. Do you remember the night you went to the pub with your friends as a good bye party? Well, I happened to be in that pub. I saw you guys and when Olivia went to the bathroom I asked her:''Why the party?'' And well, she was clearly drunk. She said:''The couple is going to Eyemouth to help in the B&B of Ethan's mom.'' Olivia even told me exactly where I could find you. I was mad that you were a couple. So I decided to come here and see whether you were together or not. Well, you are, but I have peace with it now. Ethan told me you weren't happy with me, Zoe, so I don't hqve the right of taking you away from what makes you happy just for the sake of not losing you. I wish you two a bright future, I'll be fine too in the end.

P.S. your mom is a very wise woman.

Zoe and Ethan are very confused by the letter, but they're happy he's gone.
I wonder what life will give them next.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!


Word count: 1920

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