Chapter 10

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~A month later, Ethan's point of view~

I check my outfit again in the mirror, second guessing wether I should stick with the dress pants and the shirt or go for a jeans and a more formal shirt. ''Zoe?'' I yell for the hundreth time. ''Yes, you look handsome and not too formal or informal. We really need to go now, or we'll be late.'' I step into the living room and my jaw drops at the sight of Zoe, wearing a simple but really pretty dress.

We exit the appartment and step into my car, since the parking lot at work works with plate recognition. We drive with the radio on, talking a little every once in a while. The party, actually just a little get together, takes place in the lobby of the buiding I work in. It's not that big of a company, it's a daughter company of a really big one. There are some coworkers invited, the ones of the creative team and then the group of people that help the boss run the company and the boss himself. All of those people are very nice. I'm with the creative team, where I've made some new friends. We arrive and park the car on my usual spot in the parking lot. I step out of the car and run towards the passenger side to open the door for Zoe. She chuckles and thanks me before we walk towards the entrance. ''Thank you for coming with me tonight. Everyone was bringing their girlfriends and fiancés and wives, but I'm a single pringle,'' I tell Zoe, earning a chuckle from her. ''No problem, I love to laugh at people that try to be all fancy and failing miserably,'' she answers, making me laugh. We arrive at the entrance. There's someone from the reception at the door checking names. ''Ethan! Who did you bring?'' Phill says, making me smile. ''This beautiful lady is Zoe and she's my best friend,'' I answer. ''Nice! Go in, you two. It's cold outside!'' Phill lightly pushes us inside. We enter the lobby and are embraced by that warmth you feel whenever you enter a room with a lot of people. Between the two pillars on each side of the entrance there are tables set up with drinks and snacks. I look at Zoe to ask wether she wants something to drink now or later. She's holding my arm to make sure we don't lose each other. She seems to know what I want to say before I've opened my mouth. She comes a little closer to me and says:''Okay. Let's get something to drink.'' We walk over to the table to our left and I look at Zoe again. She looks back at me and chuckles:''I can get my own drink, Ethan. But thank you for being so kind.'' I smile and decide to just drink some water. I reach for a glass and fill it with water, filling Zoe's glass too after she nods.

We've been here for about half an hour. Zoe clings onto me as if she's scared to be alone. I've been talking to some coworkers. I notice that Zoe is moving a bit, making me look at her. ''What's wrong?'' I ask. She looks at me kind of worried, which doesn't help calming me down. ''I need to go to the toilet,'' she says, making me chuckle. ''Come on,'' I tell her, leading her towards the toilet. ''In here to your left,'' I instruct. She thanks me and asks me to stay here. Then she walks away. I look around, feeling slightly awkward. Suddenly, a familiar voice speaks next to me. ''Mister Hill. How are you this evening? Having fun?'' I look to my right where the voice came from and smile politely at my boss. ''Hello mister Moore. I'm having fun, yes! How is your evening going, sir?'' I ask. ''Oh great. And just call me Thomas as we're not in a formal setting right now, okay?'' he smiles. ''Of course!'' ''How were your first 2 months here?'' He asks. ''It has been good. I miss my mom a little, but I have met really nice people literally on my first day here and one of those people I already knew from in my childhood.'' I answer truthfully. ''Good to hear you've settled in! What about your father?'' ''He passed away when I was 7 years old. He had cancer,'' I explain, knowing the next words that will be said. ''I'm sorry to hear that. Where does your mom live?'' ''She lives in my hometown, Eyemouth. She was the one that encouraged me to come here, since it has always been my dream. She was sick last year and she thought I deserved to follow my dream as I always take care of others,'' I explain. My boss nods:''How is she now?'' I sigh and look down:''A month a go, she was diagnosed with cancer.'' My boss pulls me into a bro hug and looks me in the eyes when he pulls back. ''I'm really sorry, Ethan. I don't know you that well, but I have noticed how you treat others. You are a great person. I'm sorry so many bad things happen to you. If you ever want to go back and take care of your mom, just tell me okay? I know the boss of the advertising company in Eyemouth, I could get you a job there. Just say the word and I'll arrange it, okay?'' I nod and smile:''Thank you, I worked there before I came here and I loved it there. I don't know if I'm going there or not. I'm really worried about my mom, but she would feel so weak if I'd be there to baby her. She has been healthy for six months after being sick a whole year long. I don't know if she'd be able to handle that. Besides, it's really hard for me too. Anyways, thank you for the offer. I'll let you know if I decide to go.'' I notice Zoe in the corner of my eye. I turn towards her and smile, signaling to come closer:''Zoe, this is my boss, Thomas Moore. Thomas, this is my best friend Zoe,'' I introduce them to each other. They shake hands and greet each other. My boss excuses himself and goes over to other people. ''Let's go outside for a second,'' Zoe tells me.

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