Chapter 14

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~Zoe's point of view~

Today's the day. For the first time in 4 years, I'm going to talk to my parents. I'm much more calm than I thought I'b be. I feel prepared and calm. I'm sitting at my desk in the office. I'm writing a report on a store. I'm what people call a mystery shopper. I go on shopping trips with other people's money with he goal to rate the store's customer service, cleanliness etc. I have about two hours left before I'm done and I can go home. My letter is in the bedroom. My parents will be there around 3 PM, so I have some time to stay calm. I'll probably have lunch and go on a walk. I try to focus on my report again. I could easily finish it at home, but I really like having a place to work so that I can relax at home. I sigh and rub my eyes. I didn't sleep at all. I feel really guilty for keeping Ethan up all night, but he kept telling me he didn't mind. I decide to go get another coffee before getting to work again.

~2 PM, Ethan's point of view~

I'm watching a movie, waiting for Zoe to come back. She texted me that she'd get lunch on the way home. When she arrived here, she told me whe wanted to go on a walk to calm down a little. I really hope the conversation with her parents will go well. I sigh and take another sip of my coffee. I didn't get much sleep last night. Zoe couldn't sleep at all. She did doze off a few times, but then she woke up not long after. I wanted to make sure she was okay, so I stayed up all night. It's all worth it, though. I'd do anything to make Zoe feel safe and happy. I think about the conversation I had yesterday with Zoe's parents.


Zoe just fell asleep, so I decided to go get some drinks and snacks for when she wakes up, so we can watch a movie or something and stay in bed. I suddenly hear a knock on the door. I make my way towards it and open the door. I immediately recognise Zoe's parents. They even dragged their son with them. ''We wish to see Zoe Martin, we believe she's spending the night here? She's my daughter.'' Her mother says. ''I know who Zoe is, she's indeed here. She isn't a guest, though. She's here with me to take care of my mother and the B&B. And she's asleep right now. The emotions made her really tired. She's feeling shocked and overwhel'ed, you know. All the emotions from when she left are bubbling back up. She kept it all in, all those years. It's not fair to barge into her life like this, knowing full well she's still upset with you. I suggest you come back tommorow, so Zoe can try to calm down and recollect herself. I hope you try to recollect yourself too, so you don't start an argument tommorow. I really hope you at least give her a chance to have a normal conversation? She's been through some stuff these few years,'' I tell them. ''Who do you think you are?'' Her mother asks me, annoyance evident in her voice. ''I'm her boyfriend, best friend. I care about her and support her in every decision she makes. I'm the one that has held her when she couldn't sleep these last few months. I helped her, laughed with her, talked with her and fell in love with her,'' I tell them. Her mother seems to be speechless, because she says:''We'll be here tommorow, 3 PM.'' They all leave. I sigh. They haven't changed. This willbe so hard tommorow!

~End of flashback~

I hear the front door close. Footsteps approach and Zoe walks around the corner. I smile when I see her. I stand up and make my way towards her. She pecks my lips and hugs me. ''How was the walk?'' I ask her. ''Good, I could clear my mind a little. It felt nice,'' she tells me. ''That's great, Honey. Nervous?'' ''She looks at me. That's enough for me to know that she is. I put my hand on her cheek, smiling as she leans into my touch. ''Don't be. You prepared well and I will be there for you whatever happens, okay?'' I tell her. She nods and smiles:''Thank you baby.'' I look at the clock and we still have 30 minutes before they're here. ''Read you letter through, I think it'll help.'' I propose. She agrees, so we make our way to our bedroom, where the letter is on the nightstand.

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