Chapter 9

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~That evening, Zoe's point of view~

We spent the evening laughing, snacking, talking and playing our favorite game: FLAME.
FLAME is short for:
The game works like this: you take two names, write them down and cross out the letters that are in both names. Then, you count the letters that aren't crossed out. The amount of letters is the number you'll be working with. You start counting at the F of FLAME and cross out the letter you end on. You start at the first letter of FLAME that isn't crossed out again and use the same number. Repeat this until you end up having one letter. Olivia and I always play this game, because it's something to do and we get to ship people we know or celebrities or just random names. The possibillities are endless!

It's quite late when we decide to sleep. I borrow an oversized T-shirt from Olivia to sleep in. I have stayed over so many times, that Olivia even has a spare toothbrush and tootpaste for me in her bathroom. We get ready for bed, tell each other good night and go to sleep.

~A week later, Zoe's point of view~

When I went to work the day after my sleepover with Olivia, I felt nervous all day at the thought of going back to the appartment and Ethan that evening. Nothing special happened, though. The whole week went by without anything unusual happening, except for in my head that is. And of course the fact that I officially am Ethan's roommate. We moved my stuff yesterday after work. It wasn't that much, plus I already packed everything through the week. I couldn't stop thinking about my conversation with Olivia. I don't think I acted different towards Ethan, I just tried to forget about my feelings whenever I was with him to avoid awkward situations. It's saturday now and I'm sat at the kitchen table, a hot mug of tea and a book in front of me, although I haven't been reading for the last hour I've sat here. ''Boring book?'' A voice interrupts my silence. I look up and jump at how close Ethan is. I look down and feel my cheeks heat up. I feel like a 6-year-old all over again! ''No, it takes a few chapters to get into the storyline. It's just not the right time to read it, I guess.'' ''Why?'' He asks, sitting down next to me, showing me he's interested in what I have to say. I look up at him and explain:''I believe there's a right time for books and music. Sometimes, I'm listening to music and feel like I just need something new. Other times, I have the opposite. I get a new song recommended and don't feel like exploring at that moment. With books it's a little different. When I have a lot on my mind, I get distracted easily and it's really hard to get into the storyline of a book, especially when it's a book that takes a few chapters to get into it already.'' ''What's distracting you right now then?'' Ethan asks, looking slightly worried. ''Nothing,'' I say, knowing Ethan won't believe me, but I guess I'm lucky; the moment he wants to press for the truth, his phone goes off, signaling someone is calling him. He walks towards the counter, where his phone has been charging and puts the charger away while picking up. ''Hello mum,'' he says, smiling at me and walking out of the kitchen. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and take another sip from my tea.

~Ethan's point of view~

''Hey mom,'' I say as I exit the kitchen. ''Ethan, I have to talk about something with you,'' I hear my mom say at the other end of the line, making my heart skip a beat at the serious tone she uses. I go to the balcony and close the door, looking down at the street. ''What is it, mom?'' I ask, feeling really nervous. ''I went to the doctor for a check up and...'' ''Is it back?'' I interrupt, not wanting to not know any longer. ''It isn't back, but I did have a few symptoms that I didn't know the cause of, so I told the doctor and he sent me to te hospital for a few tests. Ethan, is Zoe with you?'' She asks. I frown:''No, she is in the kitchen, why?'' I hear my mom sigh:''Go to her and put me on speaker, please.'' I do as she says, entering the kitchen and sitting down next to Zoe again. ''Zoe, my mom wants to tell me something and she told me I needed to be with you. I'll put her on speaker.'' I put my phone on the table and put my mom on speaker:''You're on speaker, mom.'' My mom immediately starts talking:''Allright, Zoe I want you to hold Ethan, because what I'm about to say can hit hard. Are you holding him?'' Zoe tells her she is holding me, while sliding her hand into mine. ''Okay. So I went to the hospital for those tests that the doctor requested me to do. I got the results this morning, but I wanted you to be the first one to know, Ethan. I have cancer.'' My airways tighten and I feel like I can't breath. My eyes are burning as the tears form in my eyes. I take a deep breath, that comes out as a shaky sigh. ''No,'' I say. I repeat it again and again, trying to hold back the tears. When I hear my mom sobbing at the other end of the line, I can't hold it anymore. I break down. I pinch Zoe's hand and let my head fall onto the table, sobbing loudly. I feel a hand rubbing my back. The hand moves to my shoulder and pulls me close to the body the hand is attached to. There's no sound except for the crying of me and my mom. After a while, my mom breaks the silence:''Listen, honey. It's not spread out or anything, but it's a big tumor. I want to do surgeries and chemo, I will fight it, okay? Everything's going to be okay.'' I look up and dry my eyes a little. ''Mom?'' Is ask. ''Yes, honey?'' She answers. ''I'll always be there for you, whenever you need me. I love you.'' I tell her, meaning every word of it. If I'd be with her right now, I'd kiss the spot where her forehead and hairline meet, but I can't right now. I can only support her with words. Zoe hugs me, letting me know she's there for me. She knows the gesture too, she saw me and my mom do it countless times. ''I'll always be there for you, whenever you need me. I love you.'' My mom answers, making me smile.

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