Chapter 11

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~That evening, Zoe's point of view~

Ethan and I decided to go for a walk as it calms us down. We talked about arranging everything with Ethan's mom. She apparently found a good friend in the neighbour who has driven her to all her appointments and helps her out in the B&B. He has served in the army and is already retired. He's around the same age as Ethan's mom and he's really nice. He came by too to help with arranging everything. He will drive her to the hospital whenever she needs to and will help out in the B&B throughout the week. Throughout the weekend it's just me and Ethan. Me and Ethan are in the B&B wednesday until sunday, but only in the afternoons. We both have parttime jobs, we work monday until friday in the morning, the neighbour is in the B&B the whole day throughout the week and Ethan and I throughout the weekend. On monday and tuesday, we don't help out in the B&B, the neighbour does it alone. So we all have 2 days off in the B&B. Ethan works in the advertising company he worked at before he went to London and I work in the local library. As far as I know, my arrival in Eyemouth has gone unnoticed by my family. I really hope it stays that way. I don't want any drama to happen, especially now Ethan and his mom are counting on me.

~Two weeks later, Zoe's point of view~

Due to the good planning and good communication, these weeks have been really good. The B&B runs well and Ethan and I really enjoy our jobs. We make sure to have the evening off, talking and laughing while going on a walk or watching a movie. I do notice that Ethan has nightmares. He then cuddles up to me after I made him drink some water. He also sometimes says he's going to the toilet, but then I see he goes outside. I don't know what he does outside. I'm really worried about him. His mother seems to get weaker and weaker every day. Between work and running the B&B, we have 2 hours that we spend with Ethan's mom. She doesn't say it litterally, but I feel like she is losing hope. I really hope she makes it, because she's such an amazing woman. Besides that I also don't want to know what it would feel like for Ethan. Ethan has shaved his head with his mother, to support her. He didn't even ask me if I wanted to shave my head too, but I'm going to surprise them today. I just finished working in the library and I have 2 hours, so plenty of time. First I'm getting something to eat. I open my car and drive to a little take-out restaurant. I order a baguette with egg and cheese and lettuce, carrots and dressing. Then, I drive straight to the hairdresser where I made an appointment yesterday online. I take a deep breath before going inside, meeting a really kind lady behind the reception. I explain her I'm here to donate all my hair and shave my head. 45 minutes later, my hair is gone, except for the few millimeters long hairs. I pay and leave, feeling excited to surprise Ethan and his mom. I sit down in the living room, knowing that Ethan and his mom are on the terrace. I stand behind the corner and say:''I have a surprise, are you guys ready?'' They both say they are and I open the sliding door more, stepping from behind the corner through the door. I smile as they're jaws drop and I feel tears forming in my eyes when I see Ethan crying. ''You did this for me?'' Ethan's mom asks. I nod and walk over to her, hugging her. I pull back and smile at her. I look at Ethan as I hear him stand up. ''Zoe... You look beautiful,'' he hugs me tighter than he ever did. It's not a hug like others, either. He puts his chin on the top of my head and puts his hands on my lower back, making butterflies erupt in my belly. I put my hands around his waist and close my eyes. At this moment, I realise something: he is my home, my happy place. I don't know how I ever lived without him. We pull back from the hug and stare into each other's eyes for what feels like a lifetime. We sit down and talk with Ethan's mom for a while, before she has to go to rest and Ethan asks me to go on a walk. We still have 45 minutes, so I agree.

~Ethan's point of view~

When I got back form work today, my mom had a really serious conversation with me.

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