Chapter 20

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~The next day, Zoe's point of view~

Yesterday was fun. I really needed some time with the friends again. I have missed them so much! It's so crazy to me that Ethan knew exactly what I needed before I even thought about it. He just knows me so well. We're emptying the basement today. It won't take too long, since the most of it is trash and the friend group is here too. I stretch out a little before getting out of bed. Ethan is in the shower, so I will have to wait until he is done before I can get dressed. It's a practical coincidence that Ethan takes morning showers and I prefer to shower in the evening. I decide to start making breakfast while I wait and make my way to the kitchen. I decide to make some eggs and bacon since I'm sure everyone likes that. The moment when I'm done, Ethan walks in. "Good morning, baby," I say, pecking his lips. "Good morning," he answers. "Sit down, I made breakfast," I tell him. "Thank you, honey," he tells me before he kisses the top of my head. He sits down and takes a bite. "It's so good!" He tells me. I smile at his compliment:"Thanks." Not long after, the friends come in and sit down around the dinner table. We all enjoy our breakfast. We clean up the kitchen together and everyone that hasn't gotten ready yet, does that before we go to the basement. There isn't that much stuff, so it won't take long. We start by taking the stuff in front and bringing everything upstairs into the living room. Ethan stays there, deciding what he wishes to keep and what can be thrown away. Olivia is there too to help him move the stuff that can be thrown away outside into the van. The stuff he wants to keep is put onto a pile against the living room wall. We put some music on and work like this for a few hours, until all the stuff is out of the basement. Then, we clean the room until it actually feels nice to be there. It's quite old, so we are planning on renovating it. We want to change the floor and get some heaters and isolation in there, because it can be so cold in there. We want to make it a room that you can use for storage or maybe even a bedroom or something. We will also get a new kitchen and sell the furniture that we don't need anymore. Then it should be all ready for sale. We're now sitting in the living room with some drinks and snacks. We're talking and laughing, just catching up a little while we rest a little. "What are you going to do with the stuff you want to keep? I mean, You're selling this house but you don't have an appartment anymore. Where will you keep it?" Adam asks Ethan. "Well, it will take a while until this house is ready for sale and it will take even longer until it is sold, so we still have some time before we need to have a place. A part of what we didn't throw away is cutlery and other kitchen neccesities and we're selling that and some other stuff anyways, so it will be way less once that's gone. Besides, we aren't keeping much, only the stuff that won't rot away in a box somewhere, you know?" Ethan explains. Adam nods. "Where are you selling the stuff?" Matthew asks. "Zoe has a arranged us a spot at a garage sale in London next week. We're going to look at an appartment that morning, so that's practical," Ethan answers. We change subject and eventually decide to watch some movies. It's quite late when we go to sleep.

~A month later, Zoe's point of view~

I'm on the couch reading a book. I have found reading to be a quite pleasant hobby and I've done it a lot over the past few weeks. The house has been on sale for almost a week now. We were able to get a lot of work done in the week that our friends stayed over. We only had some details to take care of. We were also able to make a good amount of money from the garage sale. We bought the appartment we looked at the morning before the garage sale, we instantly fell in love. It's rather small and it needs some work done, but we wanted that. We want to be able to make ourselves a home. It's also located very practically and it wasn't too expensive. It also isn't too far from our friends. We're both looking for jobs at the moment. Our old bosses have offered us to come back if we aren't able to find a better option. I just really want something else, a change. I think Iwant to work in a shop of some sorts. Ethan would love to be able to live from making music, but we both know that it's the smallest change that that will ever happen, so he's thinking about a job in publishing.

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