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Cassie Price wasn't the best Quidditch chaser or the best academic student, to be honest Cassie was mostly average in every meaning of the word. But one thing that defined her was that she wanted to be better...

She wanted to be good enough at quidditch so that finally Oliver Wood didn't have to wince and act like it was the end of the world every time she played in a match.

She wanted to be a good enough student so her dad would be proud, so that she could become a prefect like he and her mother once were.

This obsession with being good enough for everyone is exactly what ruined her when her boyfriend suddenly decided to break up with her for a prettier girl.

So after overhearing a conversation between said boyfriend, now ex, and one of his friends in which they were saying how 'no one would date her now' she needed to prove them wrong, show him that she was good enough for any boy she wanted, even if it was all a lie and the boy in question was her best friend doing her a favour.

But they didn't need to know that, after all they don't call it a hoax for nothing

HOAX | George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now