Theirs 2

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Her Pov

I puffed a breath as I arrived in my destination, my pastry cafè.

I removed my seatbelt and started to walk towards the aesthetic extravagant building- I call it childish design though because the color is not my style, baby blue and baby pink? Eww! I was about to open the glass door when suddenly a lot of men in black are running out of my café holding a lot of il dolces, They almost bumped to me if I wasn't fast to evade them and step aside holding the glass door using my right arm.

When they already went out I sighed and held my head high and was about to go in already when my arm was stopped by someone.

Who the hell is this motherfuc-

I turned to see a man, kneeling in front of me, his right hand in his chest and his head was bowing to me.

"Wh-what are you doing?"
I asked, too shocked to curse at him.

He looked at me and I swear I just heard the angels singing right at my ear. What the hell is this blinding light? Did I die?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when he replied,

"I just want to thank you for helping my guar- I mean the guards under my command"

Damn his voice is bello , I finally reached the limit of the courage I was building.

I looked at him. His face to be specific.

What the fuck I wished I never thought of looking at him.

What will I do if I had the nightmare of fucking him? I mean.. ehem

Nevermind what I just said hehe
(Insert: awkward laugh)

I forced myself to smile at him. Yes forced! How can I give him a genuine smile when this tainted woman is having lewd thoughts just because of his face and voice.

And oh, that Adam's apple, and his biceps, oh my even though he's wearing a black suit and a white polo I can feel that he has a 6 packs of abs.


Oh well for you to understand me lemme describe this adonis bastard.

He has short-spaced lashes, green pair of eyes, thick eyebrows with a shade of black, he also has finger combed-black hair, he's a bit tan, his jaw is square, his beard is well-trimmed too, his luscious lips is red and wet, and oh my his nose is too perfect, you can even let a penny slide in it.

He looks like a bad boy with a childish personality I might say?

"Miss? Miss?"

I was again cut out from my reverie when he snapped his fingers in my face.

In shock, I slapped his hand away and glared at it.

Oops, My bad! It was an act out of instinct.

He looks shock but then smirked later on.

He whispered something which I did not heard anymore, what is he? Bass?

Lol laugh at your own joke now.

"You're welcome"

I said and has finally gave out a genuine smile.

I turned my back against him for I can't stop the blush and smile of giddy to come out of my face.

I opened the glass door again to finally start my work of the day.

Third person's Pov

A lot of men wearing black suit was confused as to why their young masters stopped in the middle of the road to make a U-turn and bought a lot of il dolces.

Another man went inside the Toyota Century Royal Limousine with a grin on his face.

"Grinning like an idiot aye?"
"How was it?"

The man laughed at his brothers when they both asked him at the same time.

"It was fine,"
He simply answered pretending to not want to make the topic come on surface to piss his diff aye brother.

"Fine? Just fine?"

He grinned again when he successfully pissed him off

"Man it was obvious that he was just messing with you"

The man who was trying so hard not to laugh, burst out laughing while explaining why it was funny.

After receiving a death glare, he finally stopped and dried the tear of joy that came out of his eye from laughing too much.

"It was a good feeling talking to her. I was ecstatic."

The other two smiled knowing that.

"Ah I feel jealousy dripping out of me, hmp! Just why does he have to be the one to meet her first!"

Whined by the man with hazel eyes.

"Tss, we had a bet remember?"
The cold man answered earning a grin from his brother.

"Oh and yeah? She was feisty."

They all looked at each other meaningfully. And later on smirked at each other, at the same time.

Ah, they were thinking the same thing again.

To be continued...

(Serenity: hey guys I've read the other two chapters I've published and I saw that there's some typographical errors, so if you saw some, please don't mind it anymore huhu I'm sorry in advance if you'll encounter a lot of typographical errors! And I'm not really familiar with Italy and the brand and prices of the vehicles I will or might mention in this story so please pardon me if I make a mistake. Mwah lovelotssss!)

Italian Words of the Chapter:
Il dolces means desserts
Bello means handsome or good-looking
As for the italic word of the It was fine hehe you guya have to think why he called him that.

Ps. It was just a made up word of mine.


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