Chapter 2 - He's Alive!

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Aurora observed the wispon in her possession.

Knuckles had allowed her to train with it before the next mission, whenever that happens.

She looked at the label on it.

It read the word "BURST" on it.

She then took the wispon and aimed it at one of the practice dummies.

She pressed the trigger, and a burst of flames came out of it.

So that's what it does...

Her train of thought was soon interrupted by her communicator activating, which meant there is a mission.

It was Knuckles, and what he said shocked her...

"I've just received some incredible news! Sonic is alive!"


Aurora felt her heart skip a beat.

Sonic's alive!?

For a long time she idolized Sonic. He was charming, fast, easygoing...

He was everything she wished she could be!

She might have had a little bit of a crush on him, but she always denied that.

When she heard that Sonic was taken by Eggman, she felt her entire world crash down.

But she still had hope that Sonic was still alive.

And if Sonic IS alive, then the resistance will have a chance to defeat Eggman!

"He's captured in the orbiting prison cell," Knuckles continued, "My spy there says he's in a solitary confinement cell, and they've been torturing him for months."

"That's horrible!" cried out Amy, "We have to rescue him!"

"I've got a squad on the way to the space port in the Chemical Plant to 'borrow' a shuttle," Knuckles continued, "C'mon guys, who's up for an old-school jailbreak?"

"Um... Mr. Knuckles?" Aurora began, "Is there any way I can help?"

"I guess you could go with the squad, rookie..." Knuckles suggested.

"I won't let you down, Commander!" Aurora chirped.

This was it... her first mission!

And who knows, maybe she will get to meet Sonic after all!

She looked over at her new wispon and picked it up.

"Time to see what this baby can do!"

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