Chapter 10 - Reunited

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Tails immediately flew to Sonic, tackling him with a big hug.

"I was sooo worried! I thought you were dead!" the two tailed fox cried out.

"Ah, you worry too much!" said Sonic, "Look, I'm perfectly fine!"

Sonic then turned to the younger Sonic, greeting him as well.

"And it's been generations since I've seen you! You okay?"

The young Sonic gave him a thumbs up in response.

Aurora chuckled at this, it was cute how happy Sonic and Tails are seeing each other again.

"The good news is you're safe!" Tails began, "The bad news is Eggman said that he had some plan that would destroy us all in three days!"

"Three days, huh?" Sonic replied, "Well a lot can happen in that time!"


As Tails continued to explain Eggman's plan, Aurora decided to talk to the younger Sonic.

"So," she began, "you're from another dimension, right?"

The Sonic nodded.

"That's pretty cool!" Aurora replied smiling back at him.

That's when the young Sonic pointed at her, then at Sonic, and then tapped his fingers together.

Aurora didn't know what to make of this at first, but then she realized what he was trying to say.

"Are you asking me if Sonic and I are together?"

The Sonic nodded.

This made Aurora a little embarrassed.

"Me and Sonic? No, that probably won't ever happen..."

The Sonic gave her a suspicious look, but he shrugged it off.

That's when Vector barged into the room.

"Hey, I hate to butt in to the meeting, but we're under attack!" he said, "Shadow's tearing through our troops! We need reinforcements!"

"Shadow..." Sonic began, "Last time I saw him he was working for Eggman!"

Right, thought Aurora, Shadow was on the side of Eggman...

"That doesn't make sense," said Knuckles, "Why would Shadow help the enemy?"

"Perhaps he's being controlled by that strange power?" suggested Silver.

"Whatever it is, I'll figure it out!" said Sonic as he made his way to the door.

"Sonic?" Aurora stopped him.

"I know, I know," Sonic whined, "'Be careful'..."

As Sonic ran out, the younger Sonic gave Aurora a smug look, which made her even more embarrassed than she was before.

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