Chapter 8 - A New Look

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Sonic was carrying Silver on his back when they returned.

Knuckles soon rushed over to them.

"Get them to the infirmary! Quickly!" Knuckles commanded.


Sonic was sitting in the infirmary when Amy ran in.

"SONIC! Are you okay?!" she asked in a panicked tone.

"Yeah," Sonic said, "Got a few bruises and burn marks is all. Where's Aurora by the way?"

Amy then perked up.

"Oh, you're going to love this!"

She then ran out of the room and returned after about a minute.

"I present to you," she began, "the new Aurora!"

Aurora then came out wearing a neon 80s outfit with blue and pink gloves and shoes, along with a belt with a pack on it.

She also had her bangs dyed blond.

"Woah..." Sonic found himself mouthing out.

They stood there for about 30 seconds when Amy decided to speak up.

"Well, I guess I'll leave you two be!" she said as she walked out of the room.

Sonic was sitting with his mouth agape while Aurora stood there blushing.

"W-Well," she stuttered, "d-do you like it?"

Sonic blinked a few times and then cleared his throat.

"I just, wow!" he exclaimed, "You look... amazing!"

"Hehe, thank you..." Aurora said, feeling a little better about herself.

More awkward silence filled the room.

Aurora then cleared her throat, supposedly to break the ice.

"So, um," she began, "How was the mission?"

"Oh, it was awesome!" Sonic replied, "I even got swallowed whole by a giant snake!"

"Woah, really?" Aurora asked.

"Yeah! I defeated the beast from the inside too!"

"That's insane! What about the enemy?"

"Oh yeah, get this..."

Sonic signaled Aurora to sit next to him, which she did so.

"He calls himself 'Infinite'," he explained, "I doubt it's even his real name!"

This made Aurora chuckle a little, which made Sonic smile a bit.

Then he had a serious look on his face.

"I've gotta find the source of his power," he said, "If only Tails were here, he could analyze things in a heartbeat!"

Right, Tails, Sonic's original partner...

Nobody's really seen him since six months ago. People often assumed he went crazy after Sonic was presumed dead.

"But Tails or no Tails, we've got to figure it out!" Sonic continued, "I'm just glad to have you here with me..."

This made Aurora blush, but she ignored it.

Soon, her communicator turned on.

"Eggman's army has broken through!" Amy exclaimed through the communicator, "They're in the city! We need to get these people out of here!"

Aurora then got up and faced Sonic.

"I guess that's my cue to go!" she said, "They probably need me..."

"Aww man!" Sonic sighed, "I was hoping to talk with ya more!"

"Don't worry!" Aurora continued, "I'll be back soon!"

Sonic held out his fist for a fist bump, which Aurora gladly accepted.

"Wait!" Sonic called out.

Aurora stoped at the doorway and turned around.


Sonic hesitated, but then he found the words to say.

"Be careful out there, okay?"

Aurora smiled back at him.

"Will do!"

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