Chapter 14 - Metal Sonic

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Sonic and Aurora were running towards the Red Gate Bridge their communicator activated.

"Watch out!" said Amy through the speaker, "Metal Sonic was spotted near there!"

Sonic looked around.

"Strange," he said, "I don't see him anywhere-"

Suddenly, as if it came out of nowhere, a Death Egg Robot lifted the part of the bridge they were standing on.

Luckily, Aurora's reflexes helped her and Sonic to leap out of there without any harm.

And so, with help from each other, they defeated the robot by going through its head.

They landed in the sewers just below the bridge.

"We can't let these things keep rampaging around the city!" said Sonic as he helped Aurora up.

As they exited out of a tunnel, they soon came face to face with Metal Sonic.

It was somewhat glitched up as if it were just a projection.

"So this is thanks to the Phantom Ruby too, huh?" said Sonic, "Eggman's new invention is a real pain in the neck!"

After a few hits, Metal Sonic was almost defeated.

"Here goes, partner!" said Sonic, holding out his fist, "When we join forces, the sky's the limit!"

Aurora knew what this meant, as she brought out her fist to connect with his.

Suddenly, the feeling of exctecy filled her heart once more.

She felt as if she was flying.


As soon as their fists connected, they jolted forward as fast as a comet.

So fast that they went straight through Metal Sonic, completely obliterating him entirely.

As they slowed down, Aurora felt her body fall forward, only to be caught by Sonic.

"Woah!" he exclaimed as he caught her, "You okay?"

"Y-Y-Yeah..." she said, still feeling the impact of rushing forward, "Just... a little... d-dizzy..."

Sonic tried to stand her up, but she ended up falling onto his chest, which is when Sonic began to blush.

Heh, she's kinda cute like this... he thought to himself.

Sonic let her stay there until she was more aware, in which he stood her back up.

"You okay now?"


Sonic tried to think of something to help her not to be so embarrassed.

"Hey! That was great!" he told Aurora as she regained her balance, "We were like a well-oiled machine! Fighting, erm, a well-oiled machine!"

He held up his fist once more for another fist bump, which Aurora gladly accepted.


When Sonic and Aurora got back, Tails was already there.

"Hey buddy!" Sonic said as he approached Tails, "How did the mission go?"

"I got it, Sonic!" said Tails, I figured out a way to stop Eggman's Phantom Ruby!"

"Great work, Tails!" said Sonic.

"Based off these readings, the Phantom Ruby requires anincredible amount of energy, which only the Death Egg can provide! We simply stop that energy transfer, and boom! The Phantom Ruby is practically useless!"

"Simply?" questioned Knuckles, "Last time I checked the Death Egg was a heavily fortified... well, Death Egg!"

"True," Tails continued, "But I came up with a plan! First, we distract Eggman..."

As Tails explained his plan, Aurora thought about going to the Death Egg again.

Last time she was there, it was to save Sonic.

She was all alone that time, would it be different if she were with Sonic?

"Rookie? Are you paying attention?"


Aurora was snapped out of her thoughts when Knuckles waved his hand in front of her face.

"O-Oh, sorry, I..." she stumbled on her words, "C-Could you repeat the plan to me again?"

Everyone let out a groan of embarrassment.

"Just... go to Green Hill and distract Eggman's forces..." said Knuckles in an embarrassed tone.

"U-Um... you got it c-commander! Hehe..." Aurora said as she saluted.

When she left the room, Knuckles glared at Sonic.

"What?" Sonic asked.

Knuckles just gave himself a face palm and shook his head.


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