Chapter 11 - Operation Big Wave

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While Sonic was away, Knuckles gathered up his team in the main room.

"Listen up!" he began, "We just got word that Eggman's forces are undermanned at his headquarters in Metropolis!"

"They're probably staging somewhere else as part of Eggman's plan," explained Espio, "This could be our only chance to take the city."

"Exactly!" Knuckles exclaimed, "That's why we're focusing on a full frontal assault on Metropolis! I'm calling it, 'Operation Big Wave'!"

"Who cares what it's called?" said Silver, "What's important is to have a well thought out strategy!"

"I thought up this strategy in about a minute and a half," said Knuckles, "We're going in hard and fast and we're not going to stop until Eggman's army is destroyed!"

This doesn't sound like a well thought out strategy to me... thought Aurora.

"Sonic is busy fighting Shadow, but the rest of us can do this!" exclaimed Knuckles, "We've got the strength and spirit to win! There's no finer group I'd want to fight with!"

"Hah! Great speech!" said Vector, "Let's give Eggman an old fashioned beat down!"

As much as Aurora wanted to support this plan, she didn't think it would work.

Like Silver said, they need a well thought out strategy, and a full on attack is not a good strategy!

She wanted to say something about it, but she didn't have the courage to do so.

"Okay, let's head straight for Eggman's HQ," Knuckles ordered. "Time to save the world, people!"


Aurora ran as fast as she could through the city, destroying enemies as she continued.

Soon, while flying through the air, she felt the air change on her right side.

And when she looked, she saw him.


This was the same guy who killed Gadget.

She felt anger, but it was only overshadowed by fear once they made eye contact.

Suddenly, it felt as if her entire world turned upside down, literally.

"Stay calm!" said Knuckles through the communicator, "What you're seeing isn't real!"

She swung from building to building, trying not to lose focus on the task at hand.

Soon, Knuckles called in a retreat, telling everyone to fall back.

Then, she saw him again.

Infinite was standing at the edge of the track, as if he was waiting for her.

"More ants to crush," he said, "I wonder if this world can offer me a real challenge..."

Aurora tried to sneak past him, but he turned around just when she began.

"And as if to answer," he continued, "the world sends me a trembling child."

He teleported right next to her, causing her to get even more afraid.

"Are you going to fight and die here?" he whispered, "Or, will you run away in fear again?"

Aurora backed away, not knowing what to do.

What would Sonic do?

That's when she heard a voice in her head.

"Hey, don't be scared!" said the voice, "This is your moment to shine!"

She stopped moving back.

"Keep going," the voice continued, "Don't let your fear own you!"

She clenched her fists.

"I wanna see ya come back here alive, you hear me?"

She felt those words give her courage, and so, she raised her fists.

"Fear isn't a word in MY book!" she said, punching the air.

"Fine." said Infinite, "I will teach you fear, then pain, and then..."

He paused.

"Well, at least the fear and pain will end."

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