Chapter 24 - From Infinity to Zero

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After a long while of fighting, and one Double Boost, Infinite was defeated.

Infinite tried to get up, but he only fell onto one knee.

"Impossible..." he groaned, "I cannot be defeated!"

"Wrong, loser!" said Sonic, "The things that can't be defeated are the heart, soul, and the bonds of friendship!"

That was when Infinite began to glitch out.

"N-No, wait!" he cried out, "I-I can still f-fight!"

It looked painful.

That's when Aurora stepped forward to him.

"Look at yourself, Zero!" she began, "The Phantom Ruby is damaging your existence! You have to take it off-"

"NO!" yelled Infinite, "You know nothing of me! Nothing of what I've been through!"

Sonic was confused.

Why is Aurora calling Infinite "Zero"?

"Look, Zero," Aurora started again, "I never knew my parents, nor did I have any brothers or sisters to take care of me. I was all alone until I met Gadget. You and I are a lot alike, we just chose different paths! But Zero, if you continue to go this way, then you'll not only endanger other lives, but your life as well! So please..."

She held out her hand to Infinite.

"Let's get you home, okay?"

Infinite looked conflicted.

What was he going to do?

He hesitated for a moment but he began to reach his hand for hers.

Sonic was surprised by this.

Did that actually work?

Soon, when Infinite's hand was inches away from Aurora's, he slapped her hand away and stood up.

"The last thing I would want is to be associated with YOU!" he exclaimed.

Then suddenly, he was shot away by the Phantom Ruby, leaving nothing but a trail of red.

Aurora tried to chase after him, but Sonic stopped her before she took another step.

"Let him go," he said, "Let's worry about him another day."

Aurora looked back in the direction Infinite went.

Was she ever going to see him again?

Better yet, will she ever get Zero back?

I guess I'll have to wait and see... she thought to herself.

She looked back at Sonic and gave him a sad smile.

Suddenly, Eggman flew in on his EggCarrier.

"You never fail to surprise me, Sonic, I didn't believe Infinite could lose,"he said as he flew in, "Victory will be so much sweeter when I defeat you myself!"


Suddenly, the ground began to shake.

"The Phantom Ruby's signal is moving underground!" said Tails, "Eggman's up to something..."

"The doctor hasn't given up," said Shadow, "Don't let your guard down yet!"

Everyone began to search for an entrance to the Central Tower.

But to no avail, no one could find it.

"We haven't found an entrance yet..." said Aurora as she ran around the building with Sonic.

"No luck here, either..." said Vector through the communicator.

"All this searching and still nothing?" said Silver.

"My money's on the the area the other Sonic is searching!" said Knuckles.

Once they found the entrance, Sonic and Aurora dashed right towards it.

Here goes nothing...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2023 ⏰

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