Chapter 16 - Every Win Has Its Woes

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"Mission accomplished," Rouge began, "The Phantom Ruby's signal has gotten much weaker."

"This should effectively put a stop to the doctor's greatest weapon." said Shadow.

"The Sonics have made an opening for us!" said Vector, "We can't just let that go to waste!"

"This is the moment we've been waiting for," said Silver, "Time to settle the score!"

"Now that the Phantom Ruby's out of the way," Knuckles began, "we can finally smash Eggman into an omelette!"

"Um, g-guys?" Aurora mumbled, "I don't know if-"

"Hey!" Rouge interrupted, "Don't count your chickens before you smash your eggs!"

"Rouge is right," said Sonic, "The fact that Eggman and Infinite are still around means we can't let our guard down."

"Yes, but," Aurora began, "we also have to consider if-"

"Alright, fine!" Knuckles interrupted once more, "Everyone get your game face on! The target is Eggman at the Central Tower!"

That's when everyone else left except for Knuckles and Aurora.

"Now," he began as he turned to her, "What were you going to say, rookie?"

Aurora felt crushed.

Now he wants to listen to her?

"It's nothing, commander..." she said as she walked away.

Knuckles was confused at this, but he decided to shrug it off.


It was finally time for the battle.

Aurora was assigned with Tails, to her surprise.

Usually her missions would involve her and Sonic taking the lead whenever they're both available, but it looked like things were different in this case.

Aurora was hoping from building to building while Tails was flying with his two tails.

"So, Tails," Aurora began, "Is your name actually Tails?"

Tails sighed.

"No, it's not actually Tails..."

"Then, what is your name?" she asked, "If you don't mind me asking, that is..."

"No, it's fine, I'll tell you..." he said, "But promise me you'll keep it a secret, okay?"

Aurora was confused.

"Why don't you want me to tell anyone your real name?"

Tails was starting to get annoyed.

"Do you want me to tell you or not?"

"Okay, okay! Sorry..." she said, trying not to push him any more than she already had, "I promise..."

Tails looked around to see if anyone was listening, then he leaned in and whispered into her ear...

"Miles Prower"

That was his real name.

"Wait, that's it?" Aurora asked, "That's your real name?"

"Yep..." said Tails,

"I don't get it, why are you so ashamed of it?"

"Try thinking about it..."

And so she did.

Miles Prower...

Miles Pr-ower...

Miles per hour.

"Oh my god..."

"Yep, there it is..."

"What were your parents thinking!?"

"I know, right?"

"Of course you were going to get bullied for that!"

"You're pushing it..."


"Look! There's Eggman!"

They'd finally caught up with Sonic, who had just found Eggman.

"Welcome, Sonic!" Eggman said, with a sinister smile on his face, "Glad you could make it..."

He paused for dramatic effect.

" your funeral..."

"Something's off," Tails said to Aurora, "I'm going in..."

"Tails! Wait-"

Tails already flew to the building they were standing on, just a few feet away from Sonic.

"Infinite, do it!"

Infinite then pulled out what looked like a tiny black hole, which grew bigger as he threw it towards Sonic.

Sonic backed up in fear.

"W-What is that!?"

"That, my spiky little frenemy," said Eggman, "is Null Space!"

Null Space?!

Aurora watched in horror as the black hole got bigger.

"It's a little something that the Phantom Ruby cooked up," Eggman continued, "a closed-off space where absolutely nothing exists!"

Aurora couldn't believe it.

She thought Eggman was just evil, but this was pure insanity!

"Goodbye, Sonic, my soon-to-be-eradicated nemesis!" he said, waving his fingers, "Enjoy all the nothing!"

That's when Infinite shot a ball of energy into the black hole, causing it to begin sucking everything up...

...including Sonic.

Aurora was beginning to panic.

She couldn't lose another friend!

Then, as if her body was moving on it's own, she swung in on her grappling hook and grabbed Sonic's hand just before he was completely sucked in.

"Buddy! Don't!" Sonic yelled out to her, "You'll be sucked in too!"

"I don't care!" Aurora yelled back, "I'm not losing another friend!"

Suddenly, the chain on her grappling hook broke, causing them both to be sucked in as the world around them disappeared...

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