Chapter 5 - The Return

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As soon as Sonic and Aurora entered the bunker, Sonic was immediately surrounded by the team, leaving Aurora to watch.

She knew that this was for the best, since she didn't actually save Sonic in the first place.

After all, she always knew she was useless.

That's when Knuckles cleared his throat to get everyone's attention.

"Sonic, finding you alive is the best news we had in months," he began, "But here's the bad news, our intel indicates Eggman's got a weapons factory in Green Hill, pumping out munitions for his war effort."

"A factory?!" exclaimed Silver, "We can't take out Eggman's home base in Metropolis if he's got a factory supplying him!"

"No kidding!" Knuckles replied before turning back to Sonic, "Look Sonic, I know you just got back, but we're spread thin. Can you take care of this? We need that factory destroyed..."

That's when Knuckles noticed how glum Aurora looked.

"...And take the rookie with you!"

Aurora took this by surprise.

Her? On a mission with Sonic?

She felt flustered by the thought of them teaming up, only to have that feeling interrupted by a loud raspy voice, presumably Vector's.

"You sure about this?" he questioned Knuckles, "The kid was shakin' like a leaf the whole time we were on the Death Egg!"

The feeling of doubt began to fill Aurora's thoughts again, when Charmey decided to butt in.

"That's because it's cold in space!" he explained, "The factory is nice and warm!"

Aurora chuckled at this, knowing this kid had a lot more to learn about the world.

"It will be once it's burnt to the ground!" said Knuckles, "Sonic, you take the lead. And Rookie..."

Knuckles paused, as if he were trying to find the right words.

"Just make sure you take good notes!"

"Ahem, Knuckles?"

Amy, who was holding what seemed to be a box, had stopped Knuckles from sending them off.

"Aren't you forgetting something?"

Knuckles was confused at first, but then he got the memo.

"Oh! Right!"

Knuckles took the box from Amy and brought it over to Aurora.

"Here, this may come in handy!" he said to her with a wink.

He then gave her the box.

"Thanks," she said, "What is it?"

"Just a little present for you saving Sonic," he replied, "Go on! Open it!"

She opened the box to find...

"A wispon!"

It was shaped like a lightning bolt, indicating it was a lightning wispon.

"Thank you commander!" Aurora said to Knuckles with a big smile on her face.

"Heh, no problem!" he said, "Now you and Sonic better be off! The factory's not gonna destroy itself!"

Aurora then went over to Sonic, her new wispon in hand.

"I've got six months of payback I'm just dying to spend!" he said to her on the way out, "This sounds like a great start!"

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