Chapter 19 - The Final Battle

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This was it.

An army of multiple enemies rushed towards the team.

Knuckles looked at Sonic, who nodded in response.

That's when he turned back, and gave everyone the signal...

"Let's go!"

The team charged to at the enemies, defeating them as the cleared a path.

And at the end of that path, was Infinite.

Sonic rushed forward to meet up with him.

"Hey Infinite!" said Sonic, "Long time no see! Did you miss me?"

"Why yes, I did," Infinite replied, "I've been looking forward to finishing you and your annoying little friends!"

He then used the Phantom Ruby to create a blast, causing the team to be knocked away.

"I trust you're all ready for oblivion?" he continued, "If you're not... oh well."

Suddenly, lasers were being shot at him.

It was Omega.

"What?" Infinite questioned, "Who dares?"

"Target reconfirmed." Omega stated, "Extermination mode initiated. Payback INEVITABLE."

"Omega! You've joined us?" said Rouge, "Awesome!"

"Is there no end to these annoying insects?" asked Infinite, even more annoyed with the circumstances, "I will burn your resistance to ashes, and you along with it!"

Suddenly, he used the Phantom Ruby again, but this time, he shot a ball of light into the air.

Soon, the light expanded into a sun.

Everyone gasped in fear.

"Woah, you've got to be kidding!" said Knuckles, "That's just a special effect, right?"

"No, it's not!" said Tails, "While we're under the Phantom Ruby's control, it's a part of our reality!"

"Unbelievable!" exclaimed Espio, "What chance do we have against that!?"

Eggman then flew in on his EggCarrier.

"The sun will fall upon you all," he said, "BOOM! THE END! Your pathetic lives are over..."


Aurora was watching from the sidelines.

She watched as the sun slowly fell from the sky.

And for once, she didn't feel scared, but determined to find a way to stop it.

Tails flew in to her direction with a worried look on his face.

Suddenly she looked down at the Phantom Ruby prototype she was holding to find that it was glowing.

"It's reacting..." said Tails, "Eggman said something about the Phantom Ruby prototypes! Here, let me see..."

She handed the ruby to Tails, only for it to stop glowing.

"Woah, it is!" Tails continued as he handed it back to her, "He said that the Phantom Ruby prototypes only react to the person who activated it. That must be you, buddy!"

Aurora was confused.

Why did it react to her?

"Your courage and heroism are probably what triggered it!" continued Tails, "Just maybe, if you use this, it could make the sun disappear!"

That's when Tails frowned.

"But how can you get up there without heating yourself to death?"

Aurora thought about it for a little, then she realized what she had to do.


Tails turned to her with a worried expression.

"If I don't make it back," she began, "Tell Sonic 'Thank you' for me..."

Tails was shocked.

What was she thinking about doing?!

"W-What are you-"

Before Tails could finish, Aurora had used her grappling hook to hoist herself up to the tower.

"AURORA WAIT-" Tails cried out, but it was too late.

She couldn't hear him.

Tails grabbed his communicator and turned it on.

"Everyone! Aurora's on a suicide mission!" he said.

"She's going to use her Phantom Ruby prototype to stop the sun!"

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