Chapter 3:Getting Caught

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~Getting Caught~

~Getting Caught~

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River Clifton

River's POV

She left. That fucking woman left in the morning. I thought she was different. What I felt with her was different. The thing I felt when I was with, I never felt before. But that bitch left along with my pen drive. My most important data was in that pen drive. I don't care about her, but I care about my pen drive. I need that. I need to find her and only one person can find her. Ricky Martin, my best friend and my best hacker. He can track her down. Stella, I am coming. And once I got you, you are dead. Stealing from me was your biggest mistake.

I called Ricky to meet me.

Someone knocked on my door.

"Come in." I said.

"Hey, bro." said. "I heard your beauty left in the morning along with your pen drive." he said and snicker. I glared at him.

"I need you to find her." I ordered Ricky. He looked uninterested.

"I don't have time to find your beauty. I have other works to do." he said and smirked.

"Ricky, I am not kidding. She left with my pen drive. That pen drive is important. There are confidential information in it." I said with serious expression. He huffed and asked. "What's her name?"

"Stella..." I said. How beautiful her name sounds rolling off from my mouth. What? What am I even thinking? She stolen from me, but here I am missing her.

"Full name?" he asked.

"I don't know her full name." I said playing with the cube box that was on my table. He looked at me bewildered.

"Then how am I suppose to find her?" he asked looking annoyed.

"That's your job." I said shrugging.

Stella's POV

3 week passed since we left our old house and city. I don't think anyone can find us here. We are safe here. It's so peaceful here.

"Estrella! Aren't you coming?" Kai yelled my name From outside my room. I sigh and opened my door.

"You can call me Stella." I said sarcastically.

"Now, come on. We are getting late." he dragged me out. We are going for grocery shopping. Kai wants to explore the town.

"Did you took your medicine in the morning?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yes, I did." he said rolling his eyes at me.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, kid."


We bought our groceries and I was paying bills when a women came to me.

"Excuse me? Is that yours?" a woman asked.

Jennie Wang

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Jennie Wang

She looked familiar as if I had seen her before. But the question us 'where'? Where had I seen her?
She handed me a screen cracked phone, asking if it was mine or not. I asked kai about it.

"Kai, is that yours?" he checked his pocket and said. "It's mine. Sorry, I dropped it." he said apologising. The woman was eyeing me all the time. She looked suspicious. Then all of a sudden, she smiled at me and kai. I and Kai thanked her before going to home.


At house, our neighbour's son knocked on our door. Kai opened the door.

"Hello, Ms. Carter." that boy politely greeted me.

"I was wondering if Kai could come to my house and check out my new cats?" he asked with puppy eyes. I was about to decline when Kai spoke. "Please, let me go, Stella." he almost pled. I sigh and said "Okay. But you have to return before dinner." I said firmly. He nodded happily.

"Take Riley with you." I ordered. They nodded and dragged Riley with them. Riley was annoyed cause she doesn't like pets. I laughed at them. I was about to go and arrange our kitchen when a knock came on our door. Thinking it is kai or Riley, I opened the door without peeping though the door hole. The moment I opened the door, I was pushed onto the floor. It was so sudden that I didn't had the time to steady myself. Before I sit up from the floor, the door of our house was banged closed and the person pinned me against the floor. He slammed my head onto the floor and blood starts to flowing out of my nose and busted lips.

"What were you thinking when you stole from me, you bitch?" said the person. This voice... I know this voice. That's... That's River. River Clifton. He found me. But how?

"Let me go." I said as I struggled under his hold. He grabbed me by my neck and slam me onto the nearest wall. His one hand is on my throat, choking me and other hand grabbed my jaw to look at him. I struggled to breath. But he doesn't lose his grip on my throat.

"Where is that? Where the fuck is my pen drive?" he asked looking furious.

"I w..ill....return" I said struggling to catch some oxygen.

"Why did you stole from me? Who send you?" he asked. His hand still choking me. I didn't said anything. Feeling annoyed by my silent treatment, he took out his revolver and pressed it against my skull, making me widen in fear. I don't fear to die, but the thought freaks me out that what will happen to my siblings after my death. Cold sweats run down from my forehead. He smirked seeing my fear.

"Now spill it out, bitch. Who send you?" he asked. "No..bod...y..." I spill it out. He pressed his gun hard against my skull.

"Tell me the truth." he demands. But I am telling the truth.

"I should kill you, then I can find out who send you." he said smirking. I yelled at him to let me go. But he doesn't. He was about to shoot me. So I closed my eyes waiting for the impact. But that never came. I opened my eyes to see him glaring at me. He looked like he's fighting with himself to decide that if he should kill me or not. He said a moments later.

"No...I won't kill you." he said and then, I felt a sharp pain on my neck. That bastard injected me with something. Soon, my eye led felt heavy and I drafted into a deep slumber.

End Of Chapter 3

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