Chapter 4: Regret

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Stella's POV

I woke up with very heavy headache. It felt like someone was hitting my head with bricks. I groan in annoyance. But my mind lost it’s calm when i look around me. I wasn’t in my room. Then i remember everything that happened to me before i fell asleep. I immediately rush to the open window and saw it was almost evening. I look around for something, anything. My eyes fell on a wall clock. It was already 6:57 pm. I was sleeping for almost a day. Where am i? Did River kidnapped me? Where is kai and Seren? Kai's medicines? Did he took it? Fear engulfs me as the thought of kai not taking his medicines on time. Last time when kai didn’t took his medicines, he ended up in the hospital. I immediately ran towards the door. The door was locked. I bang my fist on the door shouting like a mad woman.

"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR." i shout banging my fist on the door. I found a vase on the room. I smashed it against the door. Immediately the door was thrown open revealing the same woman i met at the grocery store.

"Calm down, woman. Do you wish to break the door." she said jokingly. She then starts to chuckling seeing the mess i had made in the room.

"Where is my brother and sister?" i ask glaring at her.

"In their rooms, i guess." she said with a shrug. I rush pass her to find kai. I spot him in the patio. I rush towards him.

"Kai, are you okay? Did they hurt you? Did you took your medicines?" i said cupping his face as a wave of panic hits me.

"I gave him his medicines." said a   very familiar voice. I turn around to find a pale looking Seren.

"Riley..." i called out her name. She send kai to his room before turning to me.

"Look what you did!" she pointed out. "River kidnapped us." she said as tears rolled down her cheeks. "We returned home last night to see you knock out on the flood. Four men were waiting for us. River and Roberto was one of them. They let me take kai's medicines with us when i told them he was sick." she took a deep breath and continued "Your one mistake lead us here. I warned you about River. Now he will kill all of us. You knew how heartless he is, yet you took the risk. He is probably more cruel than Father." a cold shiver run down my spine at the mere mention of our father. 

"I am sorry...." my voice betrays me. I know i did a big mistake. I risk their lives.

"I will make everything right." i said with full determination.

"But when? After he killed us?" she said taunting me.

"I promise nothing will to you and kai." i said.

"You don’t have to worry about me. I just want kai to  have a better life." she said looking straight onto my eyes.

"I will laid on my life before any harm cross you and kai." i said and she hugged me tightly.

"I know you will. But what if...." i put a finger on her lips to stop her from talking any further.

"Before he can harm us, i will find a way to get out of his grasp." i said patting her back.

"Planing on running away from me again, Baby girl?" said a voice making us jump. I turn around to find the devil walking inside the patio with his infamous smirk. A guy following close behind him.

"Were you eves dropping on us?" i asked narrowing my eyes at him.

"It’s my house, my patio. I can come when i want. I don’t anyone’s permission, do i?" he asked with amusement.

"I will give you back everything i took from you." i said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Correction, you didn’t took from me. You stole it." he said with a teasing look. "Anyway, i already got my pen drive." he said walking over to me.

"Then, why we are here? I mean, you got your things. Now let us go." i said with serious tone.

"Who said i am letting you go this easily?" he said laughing like a devil.

"Please let me go. My brother...h-he is sick. We don’t have enough medicines." i said with a pleading tone.

"Why didn’t you think about it before scheming against me?" he pointed out. I let out a sigh.

"You know what, tell me who send you?  I will let you go." he said sitting on one of the sofas.

"I told you, nobody send me. I-i needed money." i said looking away. I never confessed anything to anyone. But today i did to him. I am helpless. I can't fight against him. He is way more powerful than me.

"You can go back to your room, unless you want to confess." he said grinning. He then left along with the men and woman leaving me and Seren alone.

"Do you think we can make it out alive?" asked Seren.

"Why are you thinking negative, baby sis? I will find a way. Just give me sometimes, okay?" i asked. She just nodded and left.

I regret spending the night with him. I regret even meeting him. I will always regret it. We were happy just a few day ago. But now he made our life miserable. I have to find a way. River can't keep me captured. My Dad couldn’t, then how can he? I will escape here, just like i did from dad's house. He have no idea who am i, what can i do. Escaping him wouldn’t be easy. But i will do it anyway.

End Of Chapter 4

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