Chapter 23

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HE fluttered open his eyes as the soft, warm sunlight made its way through his hotel room window. His body arched while he stretched, then he sat up straight, his eyelids heavy with exhaustion.

It has been two days since his wife kicked him out. He has been staying in that hotel room ever since, not getting out to shop, eat, or drink. Nothing.

How could he get out of the room and face everyone after he knew what his wife thought of him?

A lying, cheating asshole.

And only two of the three words fit him. A liar, and an asshole.

He glanced at the phone that lay on the nightstand beside him, then reached for it in one swift move.

It was around noon.

His wife should be at work.

He scrolled through his contacts and got to her contact info, his vision blurring automatically at the two hearts he put beside her nickname. Jagiya.

He would be lucky if she hasn't deleted his number yet.

He pressed on the number and sat up straight, hearing it ring through his ears. He hoped more than anything that she would pick up.

One ring.

Two rings.

Three rings.


His heart jumped to his stomach and raced helplessly. He allowed tears to stream down his face as he muttered a small greeting.

"Hey, jagiya..." he began, "please don't hang up."

She furrowed her eyebrows and clenched her teeth, rolling her eyes at the sound of his weak, broken voice.

"What the fuck do you want?" She snapped.

"Jagiya, I miss you. I know you must hate me right now, but I really, really miss you."

"You got one thing right." She snapped once again, making his heart ache in his chest.

"P-Please, jagiya... I need to be with you. I miss you more than anything."

"Cut the bullshit, Hwang!" She huffed in frustration. "What the hell do you want?"

Sobs escaped his mouth.

"I want to come back home..." he begged, "I want to see you again."

She scoffed, "oh, so now you want to come home after you slept with my enemy and broke my trust?"

He nodded his head through his tears.

"Please, jagiya, it's not what you think. I didn't cheat on you, baby..."

She shook her head and turned away, a small tear of anger pouring down her face.

"You're lying to me, Hyunjin."

He muttered a small reply of protest.

"No, jagiya, I didn't," he pleaded, "I want to come home, please. I want to hug you again."

The sentence caused her to break down into tears.

"Stop. Don't say that," she ordered, ignoring his sobs, "I don't want to hear what you have to say."

He sobbed again.

"I want to go back home, jagiya," he begged once again, "I want to be with you. You make me feel safe."

She shook her head and curled her fists in frustration.

"I told you to stop. Stop lying to me." She ordered, her heart aching. "Haven't you told enough lies already?"

He rubbed his choker in distress.

"You're all I have, jagiya..." He whispered finally, his shoulders shaking with sobs of pain. "Please let me come home. I swear I will never hurt you again, I promise-"

"Goddamit, stop promising me!" She yelled, two streams of hot tears pouring down her face. "You've done enough, said enough. I don't want to see you again! Stop trying to call me, you cheater!"

Before he could reply to her broken words, he heard a familiar beep on the other side of the call.

She hung up on him.

He broke down into violent sobs and sunk back into his place on the bed, reaching up to hold the aching heart in his chest.

That hurt.

Why did he have to betray her like that?

Why was he such an idiot?

He laid on the bed motionlessly for a solid minute, trying to think of something to do. He knew he couldn't live without her. She was the only one who believed him when it came to the rumors made about him.

She was the only one who loved him for who he really is. He knew that much.

He sighed heavily, and despite the tears pouring down his face, he sat up straight once again. This time getting up from the bed completely.

Then, he headed towards the suitcase in front of the bed and zipped it up, then glanced around the room to see if anything was missing. Towels, clothes, hairdryers. All of it belonged to the hotel.

In a blink of an eye, he grabbed the suitcase by its handle and pulled it up, then grabbed his phone from the nightstand and hurried out of the room, turning off the lights on his way.

"Thank you so much for letting me stay here," he yelled at the man in a formal black suit behind the counter, then waved and sent him a smile, "I'll pay you back someday!"

The man sent him a sweet smile, nodding eventually. "There's no need for that, sir."

Hyunjin waved at the man one last time before making his way out of the hotel lobby.

Towards his house.


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