Chapter 40 - Finale

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TEARS ran down his face as he hurried inside his wife's room, his eyes still heavy from sleeping on the chair just outside the room. He rubbed his eyes once again before opening them completely, the sight of the room's interior hitting his eyes. He glanced around the room hopefully, wiping a small tear that streamed down his face as soon as he was met by the image of his wife wincing slightly while she sat up in bed. He let out a small sob of heartbreak and pain as he hurried towards her, his arms open wide to engulf her in a hug.


She sent him a soft, weak smile while stretching her arms open as well. His body crashed gently against hers in a tight, warm hug.

And despite promising himself that he wouldn't cry in front of her to not worry about him, he found himself helplessly breaking down into tears.

"I m-missed you so much," he blubbered out, his face sinking into her neck, "why did you do t-this to me? I was s-so worried."

He sobbed, "I was so sad. I felt so useless that I couldn't protect you. I-I'm so sorry, jagiya,"

She raised her arm to run a hand through his soft, long brown hair, a small smile on her face.

"I'm sorry, pretty," she spoke, her voice croaky and low, "I didn't mean to hurt you like that. You were the best husband I could ask for, and you still are. I'm really sorry."

He shook his head, a small sob escaping his mouth, "I... I thought I lost you."

"You will never lose me," she hugged his body closer to her, "I'm always here for you, beautiful."

He nodded, looking up at her with tearful, puppy eyes.

"They found him, jagiya," he whispered, "the jerk who hurt you. We're safe now."

She sighed in relief, engulfing him in another hug, "yeah, pretty. We're safe."

Holding him and hugging him tightly, she closed her eyes and rested her chin above his hair, sighing in relief.

"I miss you, beautiful," he sent her a faint smile, his face still against her neck to enjoy her presence, "I miss you so much."

He let out another sob, still holding her tightly in fear that he might lose her again.

"I miss you more than anything, jagiya."

The pair enjoyed the moments of silence while hugging each other, tears streaming down their faces. They closed their eyes and sighed heavily, their hearts pounding loudly in their ears.

"You mean everything to me, jagiya."

She muttered a similar reply of affection, placing a kiss on his soft hair.

And the two were interrupted by the sound of the door creaking open. They looked up with a small smile on their faces, inviting whoever was by the door inside the room.


"Hey," he began with tearful eyes, a wide, warm smile on his face, "I noticed you were gone, and then the nurse told me you were here. I wanted to say hi to both of you."

Mal nodded with a grin, waving him over. Soon enough, the other members entered the room and wrapped the couple in welcoming hugs.

"We're so glad you're okay, Mal..."

"Yes! We were so worried about you."

"We thought we lost you," Changbin gulped, "god, I was so worried."

She greeted all of them with hugs as well, enjoying their presence for the longest minutes possible.

"I missed you guys, so much."

They muttered similar replies, nodding their heads rapidly in agreement.

And the next thing they were aware of, the door creaked open once again, revealing a nurse in a white, working dress and a clipboard attached to her hand.

"Good news, sweetie!" She spoke in a cheerful tone, her eyes falling on the girl that laid in the hospital bed. "The doctors said you could go home tonight, and that you're okay to move on your own!"

She then sent her a warning look, "but you need rest. Don't forget that, okay? Rest and good night's sleep is essential for a speedy recovery."

Mal nodded happily, hugging her husband's torso closer to her, "thank you so much!"

The nurse soon left the room, leaving the group alone in the big, empty room.

"Did you hear that, jagiya?" Hyunjin began, happy tears filling up the sides of his eyes. "We get to go home together tonight!"

She nodded happily, hearing the cheers erupting from the friends.

As time passed, the friends talked and laughed about what had happened while recording the survival show. It had been a few hours and now it was time to sign a few paperwork.

It was time to leave the hospital.

Hyunjin held onto his wife's hand as they both talked about being there for each other. The other members were packing anything that they might need for the car ride, leaving the couple alone in the room.

"Before we go, jagiya," Hyunjin began, his voice trembling lightly at how nervous he was, "I wanted to tell you that I love you so much."

He fidgeted with his fingernails and glanced at the bed sheets, avoiding her soft gaze.

She let out a small, short chuckle before wrapping him in a tight, reassuring hug, "I love you too, beautiful."

He sighed, his muscles relaxing at the warm sensation of the hug overwhelming him.

And as he slowly opened his eyes to glance at the room, meeting the sight of the heartbeat monitor beside the bed.

The steady red lines danced up and down on the screen.

Knowing that he would never be more grateful for anything else in his life, he let go of his wife's body and glanced at her, licking his lower lip.

"C-Can you kiss me, jagiya?"

Her mouth curved into a smirk as she inched herself closer to him, smashing her lips against his own.

And at that moment, he knew that everything was going to be alright.



Wait for Mal and Hyunjin's adventures in the next book "Hell Is Ours", soon to be published next on my profile.

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