Chapter 26

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HE stared at his parents in shock and terror, shaking his head while ignoring the tears welling up in his eyes. The couple stepped closer to the gigantic front door and pushed him aside, entering the house. He flinched at the sudden pain jolting up in his shoulder, then turned around to follow them inside, making sure to close the door behind them.

He stared at them with fear in his eyes as they eyed the interior of the mansion, smiling in satisfaction.

"So," the mother began, "where is your wife?"

"A-At work," he replied in a slight, almost inaudible tone.

The father glanced at the mother for approval, and when she nodded, he turned around to face his son. Hyunjin gulped and avoided his gaze, biting his bottom lip.

"F-Father, why do I have this honor?" He asked, still unsure why his parents were there.

The two chuckled darkly, glancing at each other.

Then, the father raised his hand and waved it in the air. Hyunjin closed his eyes and flinched, familiar but strong pain jolting up his right cheek.

He broke down into sobs at the sudden pain while holding his face, glancing at his father with heartbreak and pain in his eyes.


Why would he do that to him again?

"You bring shame into the family with the rumors made about you and no one wants to get married to you from Korea, so we find the perfect wife for you and we do everything for you to get married to her, and when you do, you sleep around with another woman and make her pregnant!" The mother spat.

He stared at his shoes and slowly let go of his cheek, the pain fading away into a dull ache. When he did, however, the mother raised her hand and slapped her son across the face—the very same cheek.

He let out a yelp of pain, letting out more violent, heartbroken sobs.

"You bring shame into the family everywhere you go, you slut! You're nothing but a whore!" She screamed, ignoring his loud sobs.

She reached up and grabbed him by his soft hair, pulling at the roots which made him scream in pain.

"Stop! Mother, stop!" He screamed with tears running down his face. They both ignored his screams, as they knew it was only going to make them more frustrated and grabbed their son by the neck.

"Why did you sleep with that woman, huh?" The father hissed. "How did you manage to ruin our lives and make us regret having you so much, and ruin the marriage we worked so hard for?"

The words brought tears to Hyunjin's eyes. Tears of heartbreak and disappointment.

"Y-You regret... Having me?" He asked slowly, not believing what he had heard.

"Answer the fucking question, Hwang Hyunjin!" He screamed.

"I didn't do it! You don't understand!" The boy screamed. "I would never cheat on my wife! I love her!"

At that moment, the three family members heard the soft creaking sound of the front door opening. Hyunjin turned his head to look at who he expected to be his wife, but the tight grip on his neck forbade him.

The father squeezed his neck tighter, forcing him to look his parents in the eyes.

"Why did you do it? Stop lying for once in your pathetic little life!"

The sound of familiar heels hurried towards them. A pair of hands reached up to force the father to let go of his son.

"Hey- stop! Let him go!"

The same pair of hands engulfed Hyunjin in a tight, warm hug. A hug he always knew that he missed so much. The boy allowed himself to break down into more, violent sobs.

"Beautiful, it's okay," she assured, ignoring the sharp, disapproving glares coming from her parents-in-law.

He hugged her arms and continued to sob his heart out, butterflies erupting in his stomach nonetheless.

"I didn't cheat..." he protested, his voice broken and trailing off.

"I know that now," she replied, leaning closer to kiss his hair. "Nearly."

"Please, believe me." He begged once again. She planted various kisses along his hair and forehead to try her best to assure him.

"It's okay, beautiful."

She sent a glare to the parents and continued to rub her husband's arms in reassurance. Eventually, she brushed one hand through his soft hair, and his sobs, slowly but effectively, slowed down to soft, inaudible weeping. He continued to hold onto her, giving his parents occasional glances.

"Come on, pretty. Let's go order some dinner,"

She pulled him up and sent one final glare at her in-laws, "fancy anything? I was thinking about sushi. From Japan."

"Sushi sounds perfect," the father replied through gritted teeth. The mother nodded as well, her eyes glaring up and down at her son's frail body.

"Yes, it sounds good," the mother agreed with her husband, her hands gripping each other in frustration.

And Mal could tell that the two could barely restrain themselves from hitting their son once again, maybe throwing a few punches here and there.

But she knew she wouldn't let them. Not anymore. Not when her husband had confessed his love and admitted he didn't cheat.

The only thing she needed to do was prove to them that he was telling the truth. And maybe to herself, as she required reassurance as well.

She sent them a fake, fed-up smile before pulling her husband with her towards the kitchen, heading towards the landline to make the phone call.

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