Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

LAUREN'S house was a grand, luxurious modern house in an enormous, safe neighborhood. Hyunjin could tell how fancy the house was by looking at it from the outside, and he proved himself right when sitting on the couch in the dim yellow light of the living room.

"So," Mal began in a bitter tone, her gaze fixated on the blond girl before her, "we know what you did to Hyunjin. We have the security camera footage."

Lauren stared at her for a moment, then let out a suppressed sarcastic giggle. "And?"

Mal gritted her teeth and turned away, trying to keep her nerves under control.

"We're asking you to abort the child," the mother repeated, fidgeting with her fingers, "for one million dollars."

Lauren shook her head cockily, sitting up straight in her seat on the opposite couch.

"Oh, you don't actually get it, do you?" She asked. "You all must be stupid."

Mal huffed her breath, rolling her eyes at Lauren's statement.

"Just spit it out, Lauren!" She snapped, her hand resting on her husband's thigh to reassure him through his heartbreak. "What the hell do you want then?"

Lauren thought for a moment, rubbing her chin with a devious smirk.

"I want to ruin your life, Mal," she began, causing Mal to shake her head, "just like you ruined mine. I wrote this article and I'm going to post it tonight, for the entire world to see. To see how slutty your husband really is, just so you can get what's coming for you. I want to take revenge on you for taking away so many opportunities from me."

"You ruined my goddamned life." She stated, her gaze turning cold and chilling. "Do you actually think this is about the money?"

Hyunjin shook his head in heartbreak and desperation, looking up from his lap.

"Why? What have we ever done to you? Why, why, why-"

"Are you stupid?" She snapped, making him go quiet instantly. "I knew that behind this obnoxiously pretty head for yours lays no brain. You're proving me right, slut."

"Don't call him that!" Mal sat up straight in her seat, her hand still squeezing her husband's upper leg, "you don't get to call him that when you're the one that raped him!"

Lauren let out a sarcastic, devilish cackle. "Please! Who's going to believe you? Your slutty husband here has been a snake, and a bully his entire life. It will only make sense if he slept with me instead."

Mal shook her head, licking her lower lip in frustration.

"You know he didn't do it, right?"

Lauren smirked, "that's what they all say."

The blonde coughed once again, trying to get their attention before speaking.

"After I post this article about you two, people will start hating him and therefore, automatically hate you. That's when I get my role without you popping up everywhere, and get my performance at the upcoming Oscars."

Mal shook her head, an unreadable smile creeping over her beautiful, distressed face.

"No, Lauren, that's not what's going to happen."

Lauren's smile dropped into an uncomfortable, faltered smirk, while her sarcastic expression changed into a much darker one.

"Oh, yeah?" She questioned, almost scoffing at the words. "What's going to happen, huh?"

"I'll tell you what's going to happen, Lauren."

Mal removed her hand from her husband's thigh and got up from her seat, causing him to barely open his mouth in shock. She stepped closer to the couch Lauren was sitting on and sat beside her, making sure to leave a small space between their thighs to make her uncomfortable.

"When you get arrested for raping my husband," she began in a soft, threatening tone, "I'll make sure to send that security footage to everyone we know so they find out how much of an abusive rapist you are, and when you give birth, that kid will stay in the orphanage until a few years later, when he's old enough. We adopt them then and give them the life they deserve, and you will stay out of the picture."

Lauren shook her head in protest, her mouth gaping open in shock. Mal knew that she didn't expect that to pop up in the conversation, let alone being said.

"No!" She exclaimed, fidgeting in her position. "I'm not going to jail!"

Mal smirked once again, sinking back in her seat beside Lauren.

"The police are already on their way, Lauren. So just sit down and relax. You know damn well you won't be able to relax in prison."

Lauren shook her head, and Hyunjin could only imagine the ghost of a small tear welling up in her left eye.

"Fine!" She exclaimed after a few seconds, trying to change Mal's mind. "I'm not actually pregnant! I took my sister's pregnancy test and I gave it to you as my own! Is that what you want to hear?"

Mal chuckled darkly in reply, inching herself closer to the girl.

"You're still going to jail, Lauren, whether you're actually pregnant or not. You have to get what you deserve for doing what you did to my husband in that damn room, and I won't let you get away."

Lauren allowed a small tear to stream down her face, words of protest already forming on her plump lips.

"No, you won't take away everything from me again! I won't let you!"

Mal's dark chuckle was muffled by the loud sirens of the blue and white police cars. She turned to Lauren, raising her hand to wave at her one last time.

"Bye, Lauren."


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