Chapter 13

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Janis' POV

   When all of the guys sat on the couches around us, I should have known what was going on. The only people missing were Vision and my dad, which meant anything goes. America's Sweethearts all sat together on the couch opposite of me, Uncle Clint, Uncle Rhodey, and Uncle Thor all crammed onto the couch I was on. Wanda stayed in her chair, Auntie Nat and Pepper stayed put in their loveseat as well, with Uncle Bruce taking a seat next to Auntie Nat.

"Lady's night, huh?" I groaned, staring directly at Aunt Nattie. She took the last sip of her beer and, in the same fashion as before, lied it down on the coffee table with a smile.

"We're playing truth or dare this time," she said, making the new additions hoop and holler. She was so sneaky with how she did things, but I guess that's one of the many reasons she's good at her job. Auntie Nat spun the bottle first and waited with anticipation as it slowed to a stop, pointing at Bucky.  "Truth or dare, Barnes?"

"Let's go with dare" he responded excitedly, going straight for it. Auntie Nat thought for a moment before coming up with the first challenge of the night.

"I dare you to strip and streak for 3 minutes" everyone in the room got wide-eyed at the task, and with no hesitation, Bucky stood and pulled his shirt off.

"Start the timer" he demanded, stripping more while walking to the entrance. Everyone looked on as he kicked his pants off and pushed out the door.

"That guy's crazy, Nat. Should've given him a harder one." Uncle Sammy tried to say through his laughter. The lot of us were trying not to look too hard as he passed the windows of the base, running like a madman. Tony came walking into the lounge,

"Why's Barnes running around, naked as the day he was fuckin' born?" He questioned, looking straight at everyone. Auntie Nat copped to the dare, which lead him to give an "of course, it's your fault" look and turn back to leave the room. The timer stopped and Bucky ran back inside, immediately slipping his clothes back on.

"Spin that for me, would you?" He called out, to which Nat obliged. The bottle slowed to a stop as he sat back down, landing with the mouth of the bottle toward me. "Truth or dare, Jans?" I thought for a moment, afraid to get the same treatment he did so I took truth. Steve stared at me like I made a good choice, though I doubt Bucky would make me do anything as wild as he did. "What is one weird kink you're afraid to try but think you'd like? Please, share with the class," he said. My eyes squeezed shut and my stomach turned at the thought of saying something like this around everyone.

"Okay.. if you don't want to hear this, please cover your ears now." And as expected, just about everyone did but Bucky, Wanda, Nat, and Steve, who seemed to be listening attentively. I took a deep breath, "it's between 2.." I felt the blush rise on my face. "Handcuffs and choking. That's it, leaving it at that." I threw my hands up in an effort to end the topic there, but Bucky had to pop off and mention that those fall under a single category. I gestured for him to zip it, which he did. Steve's face was red also, likely because I had not mentioned this to him before. The others uncovered their ears and didn't ask any questions. I spun it this time, only for it to land on Uncle Clint, who sat up when he noticed. He promptly chose truth.

"Go easy on me, I'm scared" he stated, making everyone laugh. I did just that and asked him which celebrity he would fall to his knees for if given the chance. He said Jennifer Aniston, which everyone in the room was in agreement with. He spun it, it landed on the other bird, who chose dare. "I dare you to go to the laundry room and put on something in there to impersonate one of us" Uncle Sammy shrugged, got up, and disappeared for a moment. When he came back he had a pair of women's underwear on his head with his eyes through the leg holes.

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