Chapter 3

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Janis' POV

   I stared at the small device around my wrist. I had made a teleportation device out of an old watch and spare parts from around Tony's lab. The only problem is, I cannot test it. My father told me not to test it on myself but how would I know if it works or not? They say the best guinea pig is the inventor, themselves. It's not like Tony would find out, and even if he did he would be too proud of the success to care. I have decided to put my invention into human trials. I turned the little sync knob to the correct hour, minute, and second, to correspond with the coordinates I set for each. One second off and I could end up very far away from point B. Each coordinate I set is to a certain spot in each room around the base. Right now all I want to do is go to the kitchen, preferably in between the island and the fridge. I pressed every limb on my body to my base to ensure I keep in one piece as well as closed my eyes just in case the pressure is too much. I then press the knob into the watch and boldly go where no man has gone before (okay, I know that many men have been in the kitchen but I mean teleportation so shhhhh I needed this reference.) Before I could open my eyes, I heard the unsettling sound of an operating shower head and the sticky feel of steam on my skin. This is not good. As soon as I opened my eyes, I really wish I hadn't. Towering over me on the other end of the shower was a very frightened and very naked Rogers with an Old Spice body wash bottle in his hand, which he seemed to have emptied the contents of on the floor of the shower from the scare of me interrupting him out of literally nowhere.

Steve's POV

   I grab the body wash from the side of the shower and open the cap, only to hear a strange sound behind me. I whip around and see Janis with her eyes closed tight and her body clenched together like she was in a straitjacket. It startled me so much that I squeezed the bottle so hard that every drop shot up and hit the floor of the shower like a blue waterfall. Her eyes opened as if she knew exactly where she was but she didn't quite like it. Upon sight, her eyes almost pop out of her head and she brings her hands up in front of her face to avoid the view that panicked her.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry, I'm still figuring out how this thing works if you just bare with me I can leave and-" Janis' unnecessarily long sentence was interrupted by her slipping on the scattered soap as she backed up. As her legs flew out from underneath her, they took out my legs along with them. Still dumbfounded, I was unable to stop myself from falling directly into her fully clothed body. It was almost an exact remake of last night's events but this time I was involuntarily pinning her down with every bit of myself. Janis' denim shorts and strange t-shirt were now soaked in water and covered in suds.

"This could not be a more unfortunate situation," I said with a bit of redundancy.

"You aren't the one with a bare-assed super soldier on top of you. Can you please remove yourself so that I can remove myself from this room?" She snapped with pure frustration. I try to pick myself up but the amount of soap under my hands and feet caused me to come crashing down again. Janis' long dark hair began to absorb water and string out around the top of her head. I tried once more but my feet refused to cooperate and I slipped again. Janis' frustration turned into amusement as I slip and slide like a newborn baby deer on a frozen lake. She laughed,

"Okay, new approach: you get into a push-up position with your feet planted on the wall of the shower. This will give me space to slip out from underneath you." I nod and place my feet on the wall behind me, lifting upward with my hands. Janis pulled herself out and stood, holding out her hand to pull me up. I took her hand and stood but given our height and weight differences, when I made it to my feet, she began to slip once more. This time I caught her before she losted total control of her legs, placing one hand on the small of her back and the other at the top. For a girl with long legs, she sure was clumsy. She giggled and looked up at me. "I guess those reflexes are good for something: catching hopelessly graceless girls who forget how feet work." Her wet hair was stuck to certain areas of her face but even then she was still beautiful. Her big amber eyes were surrounded by slightly runny mascara and her smile fit perfectly on her face. All it took was one moment to truly appreciate how gorgeous she was, even in a moment of imperfection. Natasha gave me advice about how girls work nowadays and she said that they like spontaneity and feats of passion. I brought my right hand from the top of her back and used it to gently pull the hair from her face. Janis' focus broke from the suddenly interesting glass shower door and shifted to my eyes that were now dead-set on hers. I used the moment as a push for the heat and brought my lips onto hers. Though both of our faces were wet from shower water, I still tried to do this the best I could. Just when I felt her kiss back, she yanked away and backed up. "I'm going to go..." Janis said, slipping out of the shower frantically. She was drenched head to toe, scrambling for a towel. Before she left, she got in her final words: "This never happened." Then shut the door.

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