Chapter 9

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Janis' POV

   "There you go again! You never consider my perspective." I yelled. Tony and I were arguing once more, but this time it was over my place in the company. 

"Trust me, I'm thinking about you in this. I just don't think you could handle being Iron Man." He said, trying not to yell but the red in his face gave away the frustration. 

"That's funny because it's one hundred percent your fault that I'm not able to defend myself and handle things like a normal adult! You used to be my rock and now you're like my owner and you're pulling the leash tighter and tighter and it's smothering me!" I snapped. Tony, being quick with words, let his anger flow immediately after my sentence ended.

"Only because I don't want you to be like me. I've done stupid stuff and if I keep you grounded like my father never did me, I can keep you where you are now and that's where you wanna stay." He bit back. If there's one thing I hate, it's being underestimated.

"And where am I in your eyes? The little innocent angel that was dropped on your doorstep by the woman you stepped out on? Trust me when I tell you this, Tony and I'm only gonna say it once: while you spend every waking moment in this lab, I'm living a life. My innocence died the day that I thought you did. Yeah, being Iron Man may hurt but if you can do it then I sure as hell can too. You've missed a lot, Tony. A lot of things that I've done that I can't tell you about because you can't get it through your head that I am capable of those things." I spat. Tony's voice went lower, trying to sound calm.

"What exactly have you done?" He wondered, shaking like a frightened chihuahua. I didn't answer with words, but one of my eyebrows twitched upward to mock him. Right then, without another word, he turned around and stormed out like a man on a mission. I followed him, only to realize that he was heading towards my room. "What the hell are you doing?" I yelled as he pushed my door open. Off he went, yanking open every drawer and rifling through my belongings. All I could do was stare as he shoved through my stuff. It's not like he'll find anything. He then made it to the drawer next to my bed and with the flick of his arm, the damn thing opened all the way. It looked like his eyes were going to pop out of his head as he pulled out a handful of contraceptives. 

"Why the fuck do you have these?" Tony questioned in the same fake-calm tone from earlier.

"What? You're mad at me for practicing safe sex?" I asked, trying to make his anger backfire. Without answering, he yelled for Pepper to come here. When she did, he held the condoms up.

"Did you buy these for her? The last time I searched her room, they weren't there and I know she hasn't been out since the microphone incident." Pepper squinted,

"No, I didn't... why would you need condoms?" She turned her attention to me. 

"That's what I'm wondering." He replied. What he didn't know was that they wondered that for two different reasons. Tony went through and counted them individually. "There are 19 condoms in here... what happened to the other 5?" I didn't reply. All I could think was "Is that really a question?" Tony then went searching and tearing through everything. "You must be finding a way to get a guy in here... trap door?" He seemed incredibly flustered. He dropped to the floor and looked under my bed. "Whose is this?" He questioned, pulling out a brown belt. 

"What makes you think it isn't mine?" I asked. Tony's face lit up with a "who do you take me for?" look and he wrapped it around me.

"It's a foot wider than you. Don't play me for a fool." At that point, I ran out of excuses. What are the odds of him finding out? "Someone supplied you with condoms and my best guess is that someone is helping you use them as well. Friday?" He yelled out to the air.

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