Chapter 15

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Janis' POV

   When I woke up, I still felt dazed from the night before, and even more, confused that I was still wearing the same clothes I came back in. I changed into comfy PJs and went down the hall, where I was promptly summoned to Aunt Nattie's room.

"So, I noticed something last night and I just wanted to tell you in case your dad gets wind of it. You walked in wearing the shirt that Steve was wearing when you left." She stated. I knew that, but I was expecting it to be so obvious after being gone for hours. "Tony was worried the whole time you were out, so be prepared." She added. "By the way, where's the shirt you left with?"

"I dunno, in my car I think... I spilled something on it." I lied. She saw right through my bluff immediately.

"Bullshit, if anything you probably lost it during your funny business" she laughed. I felt the blush rise on my face as she continued. Though she was wrong about why I wasn't wearing it, she was correct. "Nobody is too classy for car sex, not even you."

   I went out to my car to get the things we picked up from Odds and Ends, as we forgot to bring them in last night. I grabbed the bag and underneath was my ripped shirt. "Shit" I muttered to myself. I wasn't sure how I would ditch this thing out of sight, so I kept it in the car. As I came back in with my bounty, America's Sweethearts came in through the front entrance.

"Morning, all" they greeted. I spotted my dad at the table, where he wasn't before I went to the garage, with his usual cup of coffee. I walked up and pecked him in the cheek.

"Morning, pops" I said, sitting in the chair next to him.

"Affection? This early in the morning? Where's my real daughter?" He questioned, jokingly. I then felt the same gesture on myself from Steve as he was walking past. "Oh, that's right. He took her." He stated, another joke even though he tried to sound serious.

"Don't be such a baby!" I chuckled as he acted offended. I got up with my stuff and follow Bucky and Steve down the hall. I caught up and squeezed myself in between them, "I come bearing gifts!" I exclaim as I followed them into their room. I pulled the 2 key chains out of the bag and put them together to show Bucky. He laughed out loud,

"That's pretty good, I like that." He said. I handed him half of it and put the other in my pocket to add to my keyring later, making him curious. "This part's for me?"

"Of course! Why not?" I shrugged. He looked amused and touched at the same time, putting his half in his wallet, for a lack of keys to attach it to. Steve also seemed amused by the exchange.

"So I'm going to sit down and have a talk with Tony later," Steve started. My eyes got wide at the announcement. "I think it's time I have this chat with him. It's the right thing to do." He said.

"The classic 'befriend her dad' trick, eh?" I asked. Steve's face scrunched,

"We're already friends to a degree. We haven't had a talk about anything other than Avengers-related things since he busted us." He explained. I understood where he was coming from, but I could help but think it wasn't going to go well.

"Just try not to fight, okay?" I pleaded. I know Steve wouldn't be the one initiating the fight, but if Tony pushed him enough, he would return the energy. He didn't respond with words, he just stepped forward and pulled me into an embrace. After a few seconds, I felt something cold on my back and a shadow over my field of view. Bucky had made this a group hug.

"Best fuckin' friends, man!" He exclaimed.

   Auntie Nat, Bucky, and I all sat together, watching through the glass and into the lab where my father and my lover were chatting. I was nervous and hated that I couldn't hear anything that was being said. Pepper was in there also, seeing as she was my mother figured for a good portion of my life. I was happy that she was involved, just in case the conversation escalated.

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