Chapter 7

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Janis' POV

"What's in the bag?" I asked Steve after pulling him into my room from the hall. He came back to base with a drugstore bag, so I got curious.

"That's my business." He tells. I pretend to shrug it off but quickly lunge for the bag. Given that Steve didn't want to fight me, he let me take it. I opened the bag and found a large box of condoms.

"You must be pretty damn confident." I play.

"I prefer the word 'safe' personally." He laughed. I begin to open the box and pull the strips out in handfuls. "What are you doing?" He wondered. I opened the drawer to my nightstand and put them all in, tossing the box under my bed. I then stood in front of the now closed drawer.

"If you want them, you'll have to get through me." I challenge. Steve flashes his famous "challenge accepted" grin and walks forward, yanking me toward him by the belt loops of my denim shorts. I draped my arms over his shoulders and stood on the tips of my toes as he leaned down. Our lips met in the middle, engaging in a hard kiss. The smooch was drawn out as we explored each other's mouths. The only thing that got me to break away was the memory of having plans later. I released and took a breath. "As fun as this is, I need to start getting ready. It's girl's night and I said I would join in." I informed. Steve pouted,

"But why?" He asked, dragging out the vowels.

"I made a commitment, blondie. We can continue this later on tonight." I promise.

"Fine, but only..." Steve stopped mid-sentence to press his core into mine, placing me against a rock and a nightstand. "...if you call me captain."

   For girl's night, everyone decided to stay in and chill.

"Alright, don't tell your father about this but it's all part of our Friday night ritual." Pepper said, handing me a beer. We all sat in the lounge area and just talked while we drank. Given that I'm under 21, Pepper limited me to a single bottle.

"I just noticed something." Aunt Nattie laughed. Everyone looked at her to hear what she discovered. "I think you are the only virgin in the room." She pointed to me. Everyone agreed for a moment, even Wanda who knew the truth.

"That's what you guy think." I spewed. Clearly, alcohol isn't made for me. Everyone leaned in closer, now intrigued.

"No way, Janis." Pepper called my bluff. Well, it's out now. Might as well try to keep as much in the bag as possible.

"It's true... In fact..." I pull the collar of my shirt down a little to reveal lovebites from the nights before. Steve and I had been meeting at the same time for three nights straight since the first. Auntie Nat looked closer,

"Holy shit, they're real! Whoever did them is a bit of an amateur, though."

"When did this happen?" Pepper wondered. "Don't worry, what happens on girl's night stays on girl's night." Believing the policy, I chose to tell but with little detail to who as possible.

"Not too long ago." Wanda sat on her side of the couch silently, running her nails over her bottle. She clearly wanted to stay quiet for fear of giving any hints that would cause trouble. Aunt Nat looked at her,

"You're being awfully quiet over there, Maximoff. Are you not interested?" Wanda didn't answer, which caused more harm than good.

"Wait... You knew about this?" Pepper assumed. Wanda's lights triggered right then.

"Um... Of course, I did..." She told, trying hard not to break her code of silence.

"Who did it?" Pepper and Aunt Nat asked in unison. They were directed at both of us, who had nothing to say. Our silence leads to more assumptions. Auntie Nat gasped,

"Did you two...?" Wanda and I looked at each other, unsure of how to react. Before I could deny the claim, Wanda spoke up.

"Was it really that obvious?" Her accent hung on the question. There she goes, saving my ass once again by throwing herself under my bus. The other two girls swooned,

"This is wonderful! I always knew... But don't worry, this does not leave the circle." Pepper told. They went on for minutes talking about how cute we are together before they looked at each other with the same idea.

"I'm gonna need a preview of this." Aunt Nat giggled. My eyes widened,

"Really? Is that 100 percent necessary?" I questioned.

"Come on! Just one kiss? And not a shitty peck, I mean full-on smooch." She added. As much as I and Wanda denied it, the subject never changed. Finally, we broke.

"Fine, we'll do it." Wanda said. We scooted closer together and faced each other. Steve, I'm terribly sorry. We were both sideways on the couch with our legs crossed. Wanda caressed my face and I took her waist. She was clearly terrified but tried her best to make this seem like a normal thing for us. Wanda then had a "fuck it" moment and pulled my face into hers, kissing me like we were a married couple who hadn't seen each other in a while. I kissed back for added effect, but also because this kiss rocked. It certainly wasn't Steve's kiss, but it was definitely something. Her soft lips danced against mine, keeping perfect sync. Keeping one hand in the same place, she took the other and ran it through my hair as I gripped her abdomen a little tighter. Aunt Nat and Pepper cheered for us like Uncle Clint and Uncle Sammy watching hockey. I pulled away from the kiss, taking her bottom lip with me gently between my teeth before letting it slip back to her when I got too far away. We looked at each other with the same look of "holy shit... That just happened."

   I sat on my bed, reading a book, and waiting for my knight in spangled armor. The door opened, he entered, and then he shut it.

"You know... I really need to train myself not to interfere with girl's night..." He told me.

"Oh no... You saw?" I asked, afraid of the answer. Rogers sat at the end of my bed,

"I saw a whole lot of Wanda stealing some kisses that were supposed to be mine." He told, slowly crawling his body on top of mine.

"I'm sorry... is there any way I can make it up to you?" I smile cheekily. Steve grinned,

"Let's just stick with the previous plan." I understood what he wanted and grabbed the front of his shirt, pulling his face closer to mine,

"As you wish... Captain."

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