Chapter 5

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Janis' POV

   I woke up feeling like total shit. Not just because of the fight but because I had the nightmare twice in one night. I guess my mind was just making up for the missed nights. The first one was the usual but the second one was strange. It started nice and then ended with what I was used to. I was walking down the same street, hand-in-hand with someone. My dream self didn't look over but my best guess is Rogers. Then it all happens and that person disappears. All I can really say is I was relieved that Wanda was there. I sat up in my bed and looked forward into the mirror in front of me. My extra extra large blue nightshirt was wrinkled everywhere, my hair was an absolute mess, and my face was a slip-n-slide. I had eyeliner from last night smudged around like a raccoon and my cheeks were slightly stiff from dried tears. One thing I liked about not sleeping was that I didn't look like this at all during that time. I ran my fingers through my hair to try and get some sort of control over it but nothing wanted to work. I wiped my face to the best of my ability with the shirt that I was going to toss in the washer later anyhow and trying to clean up the black gunk around my eyes without soap was a task that would never reach success. I honestly could not tell the difference between the dark circles from the medically induced insomnia and the make up, but I guess we would have to find out after my shower. I was in the middle of a large jaw-locking yawn when I heard someone knock on my bedroom door. I finished my yawn and spoke,

"Who is it?" I asked, trying not to sound too tired.

"It's Steve. Mind if we chat for a second?" The voice outside my door said. I rolled my head around my shoulders to try and relieve the stiffness and pain from sleeping too hard before answering.

"I don't know about that. You wouldn't like my sleepy face." I told. I could feel him smile through the door,

"I think I can handle it." Figuring I had nothing to lose, I gave him the okay to enter. Steve walked in and shut the door. "Ah! She's even stunning in the morning!" He laughed. I took a pillow from behind me and threw it at him.

"Bleh." I croaked. The pillow hit him in the chest, causing him to make a jokingly dramatic noise,

"Oh no, I'm hit! I did my best!" He choked out, falling face-first onto my bed. I gave his hair a small tug and he looked up at me with his face still buried in blankets. When he saw that I wasn't laughing, he brought his head up more. "Are you not entertained?"

"Am I supposed to be? I thought drama was a regular thing for you." I teased.

"You're gonna pay for that one," Steve said. He then reached up and began tickling my abdomen.

"S-Sto-op!" I tried to demand through my giggles. I attempted to fight back but the man's rock-solid. At this point he's halfway on top of me trying to keep me from getting up. I could feel my face flushed red with the sheer hilarity of being tickled for three minutes straight. "S-Ste-e-e-eve please!" I beg as much as I could through my breathless mouth.

"I don't know... I like that smile. You promise to keep it if I stop?" He bargains.

"Ye-yes!" I agree. Steve puts his hands up and I finally get a moment to breathe.

"Hey, we had a deal!" He pointed to my mouth, which was more worried about catching air than smiling.

"Can you make me smile some other way?" I asked, finally able to exhale. Steve caught my hint and his lips met with mine. Yes, very grin-worthy. Upon release, I allowed my happiness to show on my face as I promised.

"That's my girl." He said, twirling a bit of my hair around his finger. I look over at my phone that was sitting on my nightstand which said it was 11:30.

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