Chapter 16

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Janis' POV

   I was laying on the couch with my earbuds in, icing my aches from training. Aunt Nat has been working me to the bone and though I have been improving my blocking when focused on defense, I can't seem to get her down without her taking me out first. That was the main stipulation before advancement, I have to be able to get her to hit the mat. I had my eyes closed, replaying all of my moves and technique in my mind to see where I went wrong while humming along to "Aerials" by System of a Down. I felt my legs being lifted up, causing me to open my eyes and remove one earbud.

"Jamming out over there?" Bucky asked as he sat down where my feet were, then thoughtfully put them back down onto his lap. I sighed,

"I'm trying to. Not a lot to keep my mind off of how shitty I feel right now." I explained. He lifted one of the icepacks on my legs and gasped,

"You look like you got beat the fuck up, Jans!" He exclaimed. My body was covered in really gnarly bruises, so he's correct.

"I feel like it, man. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Maybe I'm just too... soft." I stated. I don't want to hurt Auntie Nat but she has no problem hurting me in the name of training. "She's got a nasty leg-sweep she keeps doing. Shit hurts." I continued. Bucky laughed,

"I don't doubt it, and I wouldn't say you're 'soft', you just need more practice. Rome wasn't built in a day." He attempted to reassure me. I was about to answer when Wanda started running to the front entrance like a crazy person. We both watched as she made her way out. "What's up with her?" He asked me, thinking I would be the one to know.

"Pietro must be back today," I assumed, on a hunch. Neither of us has been acquainted with him yet, but it was still exciting to see Wanda happy, nonetheless.

"Oh yeah, you're going to the museum thing tonight, right?" Bucky asked. I didn't know what he meant by "museum thing" and asked him to elaborate. "We got invitations to be special guests at some exhibit opening at a museum. For some reason, we were just informed of it today, and knowing Steve, he'll want you to go with him as a plus one." He said.

"I've always skipped out on the big formal things that they go to because I'm not an Avenger and I don't have any nice clothes," I laughed. I wouldn't mind going, but I doubt my wardrobe would fit the scene. Bucky shrugged,

"I'm sure Nat, Wanda, and Pepper could help with that"

   After going to the ladies for help, we all piled into Brandy and went to the mall. Pepper was shocked that I even suggested buying anything new, but she was happy to help.

"I just don't do... sexy, I guess?" I stated as well flipped through racks of clothes. Wanda chimed in,

"I wouldn't say that. You are sexy but your taste is particular." Pepper stuck a finger in the air,

"Actually, it's about texture with Janny. She likes things that are lived in. Even when we shopped for school clothes she would complain about how everything was too stiff or itchy unless it was second-hand. New clothes take time to get that way." She informed the group. She was correct, I have never enjoyed anything that hasn't been worn to death already and if anything is too tight or constricting, I'm uncomfortable. Auntie Nat found a few dresses and was stacking them up over her bent arm. Some things were cute, but others were a hard pass that she just wanted me to try on and get a feel for. When we felt we had enough of a selection, I was led to the changing rooms to try things on. Several items were indeed a hard pass, so much so that I didn't even step out to show them before taking them off. I got to one that everyone in the group had agreed was cute and slipped it on. It was a bit loose, which is what I like, with long lacey sleeves and a low-cut back. It was a really dark blue color, and knee-length to avoid alterations. I stepped out of the dressing room to a swarm of oos and awes.

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