Chapter 20

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Janis' POV

   When Bucky and I got back from our mission, tensions were high with the team. The Sokovia Accords were presented to them an hour before we arrived, and the team was split on it. Bucky and I disagreed with the accords, and when my dad asked why I explained that I refuse to be micromanaged, which was the short answer. He accused me of just being defiant and I told him that not all of my decisions and opinions are there to directly disagree with him. An argument ensued, and those that opposed the accords left the room. That group consisted of myself, Bucky, Steve, Pietro, and Wanda. Uncle Thor had run off before all of this to take care of some business in Asgard and Uncle Bruce was nowhere to be found either. From what I was told, Uncle Bruce and Auntie Nat got into a disagreement and he nearly hulked out, so he left. 

   While the group that agreed with the accords was in Vienna for the signing, we all stayed put. That was until the bombing happened, then Bucky's face was plastered all over the news. Even though he had been sitting right there next to us the entire time, the assumption was that he did it because he opposed, and given his history, he was automatically guilty. Seeing as we opposed also, our word held very little salt until thoroughly investigated. When Prince T'Challa showed up to exact his revenge, Bucky ran while those of us who were around for it followed and fought. At the time we were unaware of who was in the black suit, but he was going after our buddy so we didn't care who he was. Truthfully, if I had known we were going to be running around kicking ass today, I would have at least put on a bra beforehand, and maybe, if I had time, my usual fight-ready attire that Auntie Nat says makes me look like a punk Kim Possible. When I suited up, I was still in normal "around the house" clothes (

   After we were all hauled in, my dad did everything he could to convince us to sign.

"No parent should have to worry about burying their child, Janis." He said, trying to tug at my heart. I shook my head,

"That may be true, but no child should have to worry about their parent 24/7 and that never seemed to phase you. You went missing for months, flew into a fuckin' wormhole, and indirectly made a giant android army that was dead-set on killing you. Aside from all of that, you've seen that the government is crazy nuts and you still want them to have full authority in who we help and how?" I called him out. Tony huffed,

"Is it because of Rogers? Are you just doing what he wants to do here?" He asked. I was already pissed about the whole situation, but the accusations were nearly enough to make me fly off the handle.

"It's like you choose not to listen to a word I say, dad." I chuckled in frustration. He was now circling around the table to sit in the chair adjacent to me. As he sat, he spoke again,

"So if I convinced Capsicle to sign, you wouldn't follow suit?" He asked, genuinely. The first thought to pop into my head was one that I had wanted to ask: who the hell does he think I am? I took a different route.

"Do you really think so little of me to follow any man against my better judgment out of love alone? You must be out of your damn mind." I told him, standing up from the table. "We're done here. Talk to him if you want, he isn't going to sign." I finished speaking as I walked out of the small glass room in the middle of the bigger office. Steve went in after, and their conversation went about as well as expected. We saw Bucky on the monitor sitting in a box, awaiting interrogation.

"What're we gonna do about him? They won't listen to us because we disagree with their wishes." I asked Steve as he stood next to me.

"That's probably why. They believe that we're telling the truth, but without any other evidence to show who it could have been, he's their only option. Their scapegoat." He said. As much as I hate to admit it, it sounds like it's possible.

"See, this is why I don't trust these people enough to sign their damn accords. They won't take our word for it, they won't look at the security system at the base that shows he was home, so they let the world continue to believe it was him to avoid an international incident with Wakanda. It's absurd."

   When the power went out, the search began for Barnes and our belongings. We eventually found both and concluded that this doctor guy had to be a bad actor due to the rampage that Bucky was on. Everyone tried to keep me away from the action for fear that I would panic when faced with my demon once again. I appreciated the sentiment, but I was ready and stronger than before. I knew my "best fuckin' friend" was in there somewhere. After a hell of a fight, we took the opportunity to cut out to an old warehouse to wait for our friend to regain consciousness. Once he did, we got proof that it was him we were speaking with and had him put everything together for us. We realized we were going to need help catching this guy, but a lot of our help was now out to get us. Uncle Sammy said he knew someone who could assist.

   I opted to sit out when my dad and his merry band of misfits showed up at the airport. I was as much a part of this as the others, but I didn't want to fight my dad. All I did was report to them that they needed to go for the arc reactor in the middle of his suit, at that point he'll be unable to shake the boat anymore. I heard my dad attempt to use the "go home" command to send me back to base, unknowing that I had already overridden the command when I found it not too long before. For now, my job is to stay hidden in the jet until we're ready to take off to Siberia. I looked out the window and noticed Auntie Nat zapping the Prince so Bucky and Steve could get to the plane.

   When we got to the compound in Russia, we began our search for the guy who took over Bucky's brain during interrogation. When my dad caught up, we thought it would for sure be another fight but he explained that he knew everything that was going on now. The four of us wandered around looking for the man that we followed here, and when we did, he was behind a protective barrier. After some back and forth, he showed us a tape from the night my dad's parents were killed. This tape showed us Bucky, zombified and controlled, doing the deed. I knew what was about to go down.

"Dad, wait-" I started, but was promptly cut off.

"When you attacked my daughter and she forgave you, I was hesitant but respected her wishes. You're not getting off so easy this time." He said to Bucky. I stood and watched as three of the men I cared for deeply fought each other. I didn't know what to do. I wanted it to be over, but I couldn't stop them without having to fight one side or the other. This was one thing I didn't know how to do without hurting someone in the process. I knew my dad wasn't going to quit, and that meant Bucky needed to defend himself and Steve was just trying to protect his friend. There I was, watching and screaming "Stop" uncontrollably. I didn't want to watch anymore, so I went and searched for the real criminal here. I got outside and found Prince T'Challa had already apprehended him.

"You good here, your highness?" I asked, slightly startling them both. I gathered that he heard our exchange with the doctor, and had a change of heart as he wasn't coming after us this time. The Prince confirmed that he was, indeed, good and I went back into the compound. The fight seemed to be over.

   We all knew things weren't going to be the same now. We went to Wakanda with hopes that they could help Bucky, but until they could figure that out, he chose to go back on ice. Steve and I came to the conclusion that we would be on the run now but didn't want to close the door completely. He sent my dad a burner phone with a number in it to reach him if he ever needed us, and we broke Sam and Wanda out of the facility they were being kept at. Clint and Scott chose to stay and take a deal.

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